Remembering The One’s Who Have Passed + Spell


Not many know that April 28th is a time for honor and remembering those who have passed in your life. If not family or friends, then to the ancestors who have helped guide you through life.

Use this day to communicate with those spirits. However, please always keep it safe when it comes to Spirit spells. Consider casting a protection circle with either salt, candles, or a barrier infusion.


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Spirit Communication Spell

Combine together
3 parts Wormwood
1 part Vervain
A small piece of paper with the spirit’s name (cut into small pieces)


Grind. All the while, empowering the mix with your energy and memories of the spirit(s).
When ready, cast your protection circle, then with either a black candle, a piece of charcoal, or a burning bonfire, burn the mix.


 Et vocavi vos, (spirit’s name)

(I summon you, (spirit’s name))


Continue chanting until you feel a presence.

I highly recommend to leave an offering! Most give apples, barley, and milk. I prefer to give Lavender Tea with some extra sweet honey! Lavender tea, to me, is such a beautiful symbol of peace and rest, what better tea for the spirits to enjoy.

Now, I know that the idea of communicating with a spirit is quite intimidating. That’s alright to feel that way. Rather instead, cook a meal, bake bread or cookies! Dedicate the whole banquet to the spirits and ancestors. Have a place at the table empty with a plate and offerings!

Well happy tidings all! Have a truly blessed day and night!



Love you and miss you mi familia!

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We Must Always Remember Those That Have Passed