Festival of Hecate

August 24th,

Marks the Festival of Hecate. Day and Night of the Dark Mother. Of Earth and Sky. Keeper of the crossroads. Seer of the unknown. Queen of the witches. She speaks, and all remains silent for Her. For those that are guided by Her wisdom, honor Her on this day, her ascension from the underworld, with offerings of Earth, Heart, and Soul.

Interestingly enough, the days for this festival can be concluded by who traditionally worships Hecate. Most who honor Hecate, begin to honor her on August 13th. Which aligns with the dark moon, and the perseids meteor shower. This time symbolizes her descent into the underworld and the harvests of the earth.

Fun fact, August 13th was also worshipped for the festival of Diana. Where her followers celebrated her in the groves at Nemi. This festival lasted for up to a week of festivities, food, and dance.

Now, back to Hecate.

Both of these festivals were and are very similar. Especially considering that both Diana and Hecate are triple goddesses, some associate them as one deity. Like I do. Diana to me, is the maiden form, and Hecate is the crone form. Now, on this day, Hecate has had already descended into the underworld, and now begins to rise again to the heavens from her wise journey. And as the Full moon grows full, so will she claim herself as Queen again. With new knowledge and mysteries from the underworld. So, we invoke her and honor her, in hopes for her protection for the coming season, and for her new found wisdom.

How do we honor this Great and Ancient Goddess?

Personally, I honor each of her crossroads. I leave offerings of earth, sky, flame, and sea at each pathway, to open the doors for Her guidance. Her offerings include:

Eggs, Lavender, Honey, Garlic, Baked Goods

Incense, Candles, Daggers, Keys

Having your dog familiar by your side

These are just to name a few. But follow your heart of which offerings would be best for you to give.

I love to leave her lavender honey tea, and burn my special blend of incense for her.


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This is the blend I burn while invoking the Goddess Hecate. Add even portions of the ingredients shown, and/or add odd drops of the essential oils to the blend. Smells divine when burned, and uplifts the soul. While the smoke fills the air, call out to Hecate with your own heartfelt chant and await her guidance. If you decide to have your familiar close by, pay special attention to their reaction. Hecate always greets dogs, and reveals herself to them. Keep an eye out for signs, or listen soundly. Often, she comes in dreams in the dead of the night, and reveals her messages then.

Essential Oils

I hope this night brings special moments for you, and Hecate grants you her wise guidance.

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A Witch’s Home

I remember a time, when I was younger. Filled with wonder and adventure. With revived power and the desire to use it. I was constantly in motion. From the moment I could drive, I was on the road. Seeking wisdom and thrills, bundled together in youthful innocence. In that time, I honestly felt I had no home, and I was perfectly content to be one with the Air, in a whirlwind towards the unknowing.

It wasn’t until my twenty second year that I felt a stifling in my soul. To which I couldn’t understand why. Why was I feeling imprisoned, when I was free and roaming the land? Why did I feel lost, despite knowing where I was going? My power was waning, and I couldn’t fathom it. It wasn’t until mistakes were made, because of lack of sight, and no where to go to seek comfort, was when a vision came to me. It was nearing a Full Moon night. The pain in my heart ached, and in a pleading attempt, I called for the Moon’s aid. I asked Her to show me what was missing?

The answer was simple. I wasn’t wandering around aimlessly, or expressing my own freedom. The Great Moon had shown me that what I was really doing, was searching for my new home. It startled me at first. How could I be searching for a home, while I was living freely? While being my own person. The Moon answered.

Without purpose, there is no home to find. Without giving, there is no taking. And without balance, there is no power. Find where you belong, find where you are needed. That is your duty.

It was then, that it became clear to me. As witches, we live with the elements. Live by their example. We are born, with the flames of life in our souls. We flow through life, as water does. Travel like the wind, through land and fog. And then eventually, we sink our roots deep, to bloom and thrive. Just as the Earth shifted in place in time and in space, we too must shift to find our rightful home.

We must grow, travel, and seek the home that needs us, and that we deserve too. We must give our magick to help the land, and/or community. By giving, we will be gifted with magickal wonders. A witch’s purpose. A balance unlike anything else.

In the old days, villages had few and far in between, their own local “witch”. Who had set roots, and became the known healer, midwife, or adviser. Some had lived in these villages for generations, but most often the case was, that the witches moved in. Either through marriage, or travels. It was, I believe, a natural instinct within them, to move and travel to places where their power could thrive.

Just as our ancestors had done, we too must follow our instincts. It is our right and duty to search for fresh soil. To nurture our natural born power, at a home that calls to us. Even if that home eventually moves to another state, or country, if the call is heard, we must follow. Until our seeds are planted. Until our power feeds the land.

Honestly, the best song that comes to mind, is Simon and Garfunkel’s, America. Listen to it, and meditate. It’s inspiring.

A Witch Must Find Their Rightful Home

Air Magick

Ok! Let’s talk about Air Magick!
I love love love the element of Air. When I was little, that was the first element that called to me. I spent so much time outside, listening to the wind, watching the trees dance from it. And even found peace and nurturing wisdom while I was down. Over time, I learned how to call to each direction. Finding each one delivering a different need and advice.

I found the North wind to hold many memories of the past, and connects to others who are far across. The North wind is powerful and ancient, and takes promises seriously. From that, I developed magicks based on

  • Message Spells
  • Oath Spells
  • Past Life Spells
  • Initiation Spells
  • Memory Spells
  • Growth Spells
  • Wisdom

The East wind was a tremendous help during my years of magickal discovery. Taught me focus and meditation. And whenever I went into the astral world, I found myself always facing East. From this I learned to connect to my intuition naturally. Which then developed

  • Psychic Spells
  • Astral Travel
  • Spirit Contact
  • Mental Spells
  • Manifesting Spells
  • Travel
  • Knowledge Spells

The South wind has always felt like a challenger to face. It summons courage and demands respect. Almost like facing a warrior that assesses your strength and vulnerabilities. Expecting you to search for your inner power. With this powerful wind, I found

  • Self Power Spells
  • Heightened Power Spells
  • Courage Spells
  • Road Opener Spells
  • Success
  • Commanding Spells
  • Lover Spells
  • Breaking a Habit

The West wind has always been a friend and ally for me. Having been helped by it on more than one occasion, my heart has always been opened to it. That is why, it is the wind of the heart and has inspired spells related to such matters.

  • Healing Spells
  • Love Spells
  • Peace Spells
  • Happiness Spells
  • Truth Spells
  • Purification Spells

And so much more to discover as you work and meditate with each wind.
Now each wind has a God/Lord assigned to each. Through many cultures, they have been called numerous names. I personally use their Greek names. Something about them had called to me. They are called

The Anemoi

Boreas – Who is of the North Wind Special Offerings: Stone Piles
Formally called on high peaks.

Eurus – Who is of the East Wind Special Offerings: Incense of Sage & Bay
Formally called in open valleys/meadows.

Notus – Who is of the South Wind Special Offerings: Bonfire or Flame
Formally called in dry sunny areas.

Zephyrus – Who is of the West Wind Special Offerings: Libations
Formally called by ocean waters.

And Aeolus is the God of Air and the Winds all together.

Special Offerings: An altar dedicated to him with all elements from above. Call to him on an area that incorporates all winds. Somewhere high where they can meet.
Of course, they can still be called in a pinch, from wherever you are, but your intentions must be loud and clear. And if your offering is special, all the better.

Now, let’s discuss how we invoke the wind. A breeze.
There are many different methods. You’d be surprise by how much others had created in order to summon the wind.
In fact, I’m sure everyone has tried a different way.
I will cover two of my own wind calling spells here, and other spells that I’ve seen and tried.


I created this when I was young was easier for me at that time to do when I was outside. I would draw in the ground the symbol of air, and a rune within it. Come to find out later in life, that it was the Dagaz symbol for dawn. And call the wind for a heavy breeze. After practicing this for a while, I found that over time I no longer needed to draw the symbol in the ground, but easily visualized it in my mind’s eye, and then would call out to the wind. As a child I didn’t formally call to it, only spoke to it in a friendly manner. But when I grew older, I started to chant out in either ancient Norse (Icelandic) or in Latin. This is what I would say in order to call the wind to rise.

“Vindur Haekkun”

(The picture of the symbol below)


When I wished for not only wind, but clouds, and even rain. A good gloomy day really. And that was braiding my hair. I use to braid my hair and imagine the weather I wanted. I would do this until I was done. I’d keep my hair braided for the day. And either when night came or morning, I unbraided it. Visualizing the magick/wind releasing. I often got good results from this, and ended up giddy. Lol

Other spells I’ve seen had often used tools or herbs.


One was using a broom. Sometimes being specifically made and enchanted to call the winds. This broom would be thrown in the air. Preferably on a hill, to summon the winds. And then being burned to stop them, or to stop a bad storm. Then buried in the ground.


Another was using grains of paradise (an herb), and tossing it to each direction to call for favorable winds. The same can be done with rice even. And wishes can be made the same time. But that’s not good for the birds.


The last spell I’ve seen for this, is actually quite nifty and enjoyed testing it. It had called for a naturally made clay jar with a cork. Preferably one that was made by you, but its not needed. Still worked for me. Then a wind symbol was drawn on it, or in my case, I simply painted the words WIND on it. On a windy day, go outside, and open the jar. And as soon as the wind stops blowing, cork the jar. On a different day, when wind is needed, go outside, and open the jar. A wind should pick up after doing so. This was amazing to test and do. Sadly, my jar had fallen over and broke surprisingly. And I never went and got a new one. But this is recommended to try!

That’s what I got so far. So go ahead and practice with these! And if you have anything similar, please share!

Enjoy trying some awesome Air Magick!

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