Festival of Hecate

August 24th,

Marks the Festival of Hecate. Day and Night of the Dark Mother. Of Earth and Sky. Keeper of the crossroads. Seer of the unknown. Queen of the witches. She speaks, and all remains silent for Her. For those that are guided by Her wisdom, honor Her on this day, her ascension from the underworld, with offerings of Earth, Heart, and Soul.

Interestingly enough, the days for this festival can be concluded by who traditionally worships Hecate. Most who honor Hecate, begin to honor her on August 13th. Which aligns with the dark moon, and the perseids meteor shower. This time symbolizes her descent into the underworld and the harvests of the earth.

Fun fact, August 13th was also worshipped for the festival of Diana. Where her followers celebrated her in the groves at Nemi. This festival lasted for up to a week of festivities, food, and dance.

Now, back to Hecate.

Both of these festivals were and are very similar. Especially considering that both Diana and Hecate are triple goddesses, some associate them as one deity. Like I do. Diana to me, is the maiden form, and Hecate is the crone form. Now, on this day, Hecate has had already descended into the underworld, and now begins to rise again to the heavens from her wise journey. And as the Full moon grows full, so will she claim herself as Queen again. With new knowledge and mysteries from the underworld. So, we invoke her and honor her, in hopes for her protection for the coming season, and for her new found wisdom.

How do we honor this Great and Ancient Goddess?

Personally, I honor each of her crossroads. I leave offerings of earth, sky, flame, and sea at each pathway, to open the doors for Her guidance. Her offerings include:

Eggs, Lavender, Honey, Garlic, Baked Goods

Incense, Candles, Daggers, Keys

Having your dog familiar by your side

These are just to name a few. But follow your heart of which offerings would be best for you to give.

I love to leave her lavender honey tea, and burn my special blend of incense for her.


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This is the blend I burn while invoking the Goddess Hecate. Add even portions of the ingredients shown, and/or add odd drops of the essential oils to the blend. Smells divine when burned, and uplifts the soul. While the smoke fills the air, call out to Hecate with your own heartfelt chant and await her guidance. If you decide to have your familiar close by, pay special attention to their reaction. Hecate always greets dogs, and reveals herself to them. Keep an eye out for signs, or listen soundly. Often, she comes in dreams in the dead of the night, and reveals her messages then.

Essential Oils

I hope this night brings special moments for you, and Hecate grants you her wise guidance.

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