Solar Eclipse Tea Ceremony: Honoring the Dance of Light and Shadow

April 8th, 2024

The phenomenon of a solar eclipse has long held a place of wonder and mystique in the human psyche. Across cultures and epochs, these celestial events have been viewed as powerful omens, bringing with them a profound impact on the natural world and the inner landscapes of human consciousness. The solar eclipse of April 8th, 2024, is no exception, positioned to cast its shadow across realms both seen and unseen, imbued with a significance that beckons to those sensitive to the more subtle vibrations of our universe.

A Cosmic Alignment

At its core, a solar eclipse occurs when the moon positions itself directly between the Earth and the Sun, obscuring the Sun’s light and casting a shadow upon the Earth. This alignment is not just a spectacular visual event; it is a convergence of celestial energies that has a deep magickal resonance. The sun, symbolizing life, light, and vitality, temporarily cloaked by the moon—emblematic of intuition, the subconscious, and the hidden aspects of life—creates a moment of balance between opposing forces, a fusion of light and darkness.

The Portal Opens: April 8th, 2024

The solar eclipse of April 8th, 2024, holds particular significance due to its timing and visibility. Occurring on a Monday—a day traditionally associated with the moon—amplifies its connection to the lunar energies and intuition. This eclipse serves as a powerful portal, an opening to deeper understanding and heightened spiritual awareness. It is a time when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest, allowing for an unprecedented flow of universal energies and making it an ideal moment for magickal workings, deep meditation, and the setting of intentions for personal growth and transformation.

Magickal Properties and Practices

During this eclipse, the energies are ripe for practices aimed at internal development and the exploration of the shadow self. It is an opportune moment for:

Shadow Work
Delving into the unconscious, confronting hidden aspects of oneself, and initiating healing.

Using tarot, runes, or other tools to gain insights into the past, present, and future.

Setting intentions or casting spells focused on new beginnings, personal growth, and the banishment of negative energies.

Meditation and Ritual
Engaging in rituals that honor the balance of light and darkness, or meditating to connect with higher consciousness and the universal energy.

A Time of Transformation

The solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024, is more than just an astronomical event; it is a celestial beacon for transformation and growth. It reminds us of the cyclic nature of existence, the eternal dance of light and shadow, and the power of moments of transition. For those attuned to the magickal dimensions of life, this eclipse offers a unique opportunity to align with cosmic energies, deepen spiritual practices, and embrace the transformative power of the cosmos.

Tea Ceremony

The solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024, offers a rare opportunity to celebrate the celestial dance between the sun and the moon. This ceremony combines the tranquility of a tea ritual with the culinary delight of specially prepared foods, creating a holistic experience that honors the energies of this unique day. As April 8th is also the Day of Mooncakes, honoring the Moon Goddess, a special emphasis is placed on the mooncake, a traditional delicacy symbolizing reunion and completeness. There is no coincidence that the solar eclipse so happens to have also fallen on this blessed day.

Setting the Scene

Choose a tranquil, comfortable location with a view of the sky (if possible). Decorate your space with symbols of the sun and moon—think of using yellow and silver colors, crystals like citrine and moonstone, and flowers that bloom in the daylight or moonlight. Begin just before the eclipse starts, to fully embrace the transition of energies.

Tea Eclipse Blend

– Black tea (representing the shadow)
– Jasmine flowers (for the moon)
– Orange peel (for the sun)
– A pinch of gold edible glitter (for celestial sparkle)

1. Blend the black tea, jasmine flowers, and orange peel in equal parts.
2. Boil water and let it cool for about a minute to avoid burning the delicate jasmine.
3. Steep the tea blend for 3-4 minutes.
4. Pour into cups and sprinkle a pinch of gold edible glitter into each for a cosmic shimmer.

Eclipse Ritual Recipes

Sunshine Fruit Platter:
Arrange a platter of sun-colored fruits—think mangoes, oranges, and peaches. Cut them into sun and star shapes to celebrate the daylight being obscured.

Shadow Berry Skewers:
Thread blackberries, blueberries, and dark grapes onto skewers, symbolizing the shadow that the moon casts over the earth during an eclipse.

Mooncake Recipe: Honoring the Moon Goddess

– For the Filling:
  – 1 cup red bean paste (or lotus seed paste)
  – 1/4 cup chopped nuts (optional, for texture)
– For the Dough:
  – 1 cup all-purpose flour
  – 1/4 cup golden syrup
  – 1/2 teaspoon alkaline water
  – 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  – 1 egg yolk, beaten (for glazing)

1. Make the Dough: Mix the golden syrup, alkaline water, and vegetable oil in a bowl. Sift in the flour, and mix until a dough forms. Cover and let it rest for 2 hours.
2. Prepare the Filling: If you choose, mix the red bean paste with chopped nuts for added texture.
3. Form the Mooncakes: Divide the dough and filling into equal portions. Wrap the filling with the dough, then press into a mooncake mold. If you do not have a mold, you can simply form them into crescent moon shapes.
4. Bake: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Place the mooncakes on a baking sheet and brush with beaten egg yolk. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until golden.
5. Cool and Serve: Allow the mooncakes to cool completely before serving. They symbolize the full moon and the Moon Goddess’s blessings.

Closing the Ceremony

Partake in this ceremony as the eclipse starts. As it reaches totality, take part in a group meditation to connect with the energies of the eclipse. Honor the Sun and Moon with your energy and intentions. As the eclipse concludes and the sunlight begins to return, reflect on the experience, the celestial energies, and the connection felt with the universe. Share thoughts and feelings with your guests, and close with a collective moment of gratitude for the beauty and wonder of the cosmos.

This tea ceremony and accompanying recipes offer a way to engage with the magickal energies of the solar eclipse, creating a space for reflection, celebration, and culinary delight. Enjoy the profound connection to the celestial dance, and may the balance of light and shadow bring harmony and insight.

In conclusion, as the shadow of the moon obscures the sun on this auspicious day, let us remember the magickal significance of this event. It is a time to reflect, to look inward, and to embrace the mysteries that lie in the darkness, knowing that from this darkness comes light, growth, and profound transformation.

Ostara: History, Tea, Recipes

As the chill of winter begins to thaw and the first green sprouts emerge, many around the world turn their thoughts to the Spring Equinox, a time of balance, renewal, and rejuvenation. This period, often occurring around March 20th or 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, marks a pivotal point when day and night are of equal length, heralding the arrival of spring. One of the most enchanting celebrations associated with this time is Ostara, a festival that intertwines ancient traditions with modern festivities.

The Roots of Ostara

Ostara, named after the Germanic goddess Eostre, is deeply embedded in the lore of early Germanic tribes and Anglo-Saxons. Eostre, a deity symbolizing dawn, renewal, and rebirth, was believed to bring about the revitalization of the land and its creatures. This connection between the goddess and the season’s burgeoning life led to the celebration of Ostara as a time of renewal and rebirth.

Although direct historical accounts of ancient Ostara celebrations are scarce, it’s widely accepted that the festival was a time of communal joy, marked by feasting, the exchange of gifts, and the decoration of eggs — a symbol of new life and fertility.

The Spring Equinox Across Cultures

The Spring Equinox has been a significant event across various cultures and epochs, each adding its unique traditions to the tapestry of springtime celebrations. In ancient Rome, the festival of Cybele celebrated the rebirth of nature and the goddess’s consort, Attis. The Celts observed this time with festivities honoring the balance of light and dark, while in Japan, the vernal equinox is a national holiday known as Shunbun no Hi, a time to honor ancestors and celebrate the natural world.

Modern Celebrations of Ostara and the Spring Equinox

Today, Ostara and the Spring Equinox are celebrated by many, particularly those with an interest in ancient traditions and paganism. Here are a few ways to embrace the spirit of renewal and balance:

Decorate Eggs
Egg decorating is a timeless tradition that symbolizes fertility, purity, and rebirth. Whether painted, dyed, or drawn on, these vibrant symbols of life can decorate your home or be gifted to loved ones.

Plant New Life
Sowing seeds or planting flowers is a tangible way to connect with the essence of Ostara — the renewal of the earth. This act symbolizes new beginnings and the potential for growth, both in the garden and in oneself.

Spring Equinox Rituals
Many celebrate the equinox with rituals that focus on balance and renewal. This might include meditations that reflect on personal growth, the setting of intentions for the coming months, or simply watching the sunrise or sunset to honor the balance of day and night.

Festive Gatherings
Hosting a feast with seasonal foods that honor the fertility of the earth is a wonderful way to celebrate. Think fresh greens, dairy products, eggs, and sprouted grains — foods that embody the essence of spring.

Nature Walks
Taking a walk in nature, observing the budding flowers and the awakening wildlife, is a simple yet profound way to connect with the energy of Ostara and the Spring Equinox. It’s a reminder of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth that the season represents.

Ostara Tea Ceremony

The celebration of Ostara, marking the spring equinox and the reawakening of the earth, is a perfect occasion for a tea ceremony that honors renewal, balance, and the burgeoning life around us. This ceremony is designed to be a meditative, rejuvenating experience that connects you with the essence of spring and the cycles of nature.

Preparing the Space

Choose a Quiet Spot. Ideally, this ceremony should take place in a garden or a space where you can see or feel connected to the outdoors. If indoors, surround yourself with plants or flowers to invite nature in.

Create a Serene Atmosphere. Use candles or soft, natural lighting. If possible, incorporate symbols of Ostara, such as decorated eggs or images of rabbits and hares, symbols of fertility and new beginnings.

Cleanse the Space. You may choose to burn sage, sweetgrass, or lavender to purify the area and create a sacred environment for your ceremony.

Ostara Tea Recipe

For this special occasion, crafting your own tea blend adds a personal and meaningful touch. Here’s a recipe that captures the essence of spring:

2 tsp Green Tea
The base of your blend, green tea represents renewal and rejuvenation.

1 tsp Dried Dandelion Leaves
A symbol of the sun’s energy, dandelion aids in purification and new beginnings.

1 tsp Rose Petals
Invokes love and passion, adding beauty and a hint of sweetness.

1/2 tsp Lavender
Adds a calming, aromatic quality, inviting peace and balance.

1/2 tap Lemon Balm
A touch of lemon balm for its uplifting and soothing properties, enhancing joy and clarity.


1. Mix all the dry ingredients gently in a bowl. Take a moment to connect with each ingredient, acknowledging its role in your blend and the qualities it brings to your ceremony.
2. Boil water and let it cool for about a minute to approximately 80°C (175°F). This temperature preserves the delicate flavors of your herbs and green tea.
3. Place your blend in a teapot. Use about one teaspoon of the tea blend per cup of water.
4. Pour the hot water over your tea blend and let it steep for 3-5 minutes, depending on your taste preference.
5. While the tea steeps, take this time to meditate on the themes of Ostara: balance, renewal, and new beginnings. Reflect on what you wish to renew in your life.

The Ceremony

Serve the tea in a cup that you feel is special or significant. If you’re with others, serve them first as an act of kindness and community. Before drinking, inhale the aroma of your tea, fully experiencing its scent. As you take your first sip, close your eyes and focus on the flavors, letting the tea’s warmth spread through your body. After enjoying your tea, spend a few moments reflecting on the aspects of your life you wish to renew or change. Write down your intentions for the coming season on a piece of paper. To close your ceremony, express gratitude for the tea, the company, and the opportunity for new beginnings. If you wrote down intentions, you might choose to bury them in the earth as a symbolic gesture of planting seeds for the future.

This Ostara tea ceremony and recipe offer a pathway to connect with the cyclical nature of life, celebrate the balance of light and darkness, and embrace the promise of renewal and growth. May it bring you peace, balance, and joy as you step into the vibrancy of spring.

Ostara Food Recipes

The following recipes are designed to embody the essence of Ostara, using ingredients that are symbolic of the season and that harmonize the principles of light and dark, warmth and coolness, growth and renewal.

Ostara Balance Bowl


1 cup of cooked quinoa (warmth and sustenance)
1 cup of fresh baby spinach (greenery and renewal)
½ cup of sliced strawberries (sweetness and growth)
½ cup of raw, sliced beets (earthiness and grounding)
¼ cup of crumbled feta cheese (creamy texture and balance)
¼ cup of walnuts, toasted (crunch and nourishment)
2 hard-boiled eggs, sliced (fertility and new beginnings)
A drizzle of honey mustard dressing (sweet and tangy balance)

Honey Mustard Dressing:

3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of mustard
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Prepare the Dressing:
In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, apple cider vinegar, honey, and mustard. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.
2. Assemble the Bowl:
Start with a base of cooked quinoa. Arrange the baby spinach, sliced strawberries, sliced beets, and crumbled feta cheese beautifully around the bowl.
3. Add Protein and Crunch:
Place the sliced hard-boiled eggs and toasted walnuts on top for a blend of protein and crunchy texture.
4. Dress and Serve:
Drizzle the honey mustard dressing over the bowl just before serving.

This Ostara Balance Bowl is a celebration of the equinox’s balance, offering a variety of textures and flavors that nourish the body and spirit.

Spring Renewal Asparagus Tart


1 sheet of puff pastry (thawed if frozen)
1 pound of fresh asparagus, trimmed (renewal and vitality)
1 cup of ricotta cheese (creaminess and lightness)
Zest of 1 lemon (brightness and zest for life)
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese, grated (a touch of umami)
Fresh herbs (dill or chives) for garnish


1. Preheat the Oven:
Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. Prepare the Puff Pastry:
Roll out the puff pastry on the prepared baking sheet. With a knife, gently score a border about 1 inch from the edge, being careful not to cut all the way through.
3. Mix Ricotta and Lemon Zest:
In a small bowl, combine ricotta cheese with lemon zest, salt, and pepper. Spread this mixture evenly within the border of the puff pastry.
4. Arrange the Asparagus:
Lay the asparagus spears on top of the ricotta in a single layer. Depending on their size, you can align them side by side or overlap slightly. Drizzle with olive oil and season with a bit more salt and pepper.
5. Bake:
Bake in the preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes, or until the pastry is puffed and golden and the asparagus is tender.
6. Garnish and Serve:
Once out of the oven, sprinkle with grated Parmesan and fresh herbs. Slice and serve warm.

This Spring Renewal Asparagus Tart is a delightful nod to the awakening earth, combining the tender, green spears of asparagus with the bright zest of lemon and the richness of cheese, all encased in a flaky, buttery crust. It’s a dish that beautifully balances the freshness of spring with the warmth and comfort of baked pastry, making it a perfect celebration of Ostara’s themes of renewal and balance.

Lemon and Lavender Ostara Cake

This Lemon and Lavender Ostara Cake is a light, refreshing dessert that captures the essence of spring and celebrates the balance and renewal that Ostara represents. The combination of lemon and lavender not only provides a vibrant flavor but also symbolizes the awakening of the senses and the earth’s rebirth. This cake is perfect for an Ostara feast, embodying the joy and vitality of the season.

For the Cake:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
¾ cup unsalted butter, softened
1 cup granulated sugar
3 large eggs, at room temperature
Zest of 2 lemons (about 2 tablespoons)
1 tablespoon dried culinary lavender
½ cup whole milk
¼ cup lemon juice

For the Lemon Glaze:
1 cup powdered sugar, sifted
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon lemon zest
Optional for garnish: edible flowers (such as violets or rose petals), additional lemon zest, and lavender sprigs


1. Preheat and Prep:
Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease and flour a 9-inch round cake pan, lining the bottom with parchment paper for easy removal.

2. Combine Dry Ingredients:
In a bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Set aside.

3. Infuse Lavender:
Warm the milk gently in a saucepan (do not boil), remove from heat, and add the dried lavender. Let it steep for about 5 minutes, then strain, removing the lavender. Allow the milk to cool.

4. Cream Butter and Sugar:
In a large mixing bowl, beat the softened butter and granulated sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in the lemon zest.

5. Add Dry and Wet Ingredients Alternately:
Alternately add the dry ingredients and the infused milk to the butter mixture, starting and ending with the dry ingredients. Finally, stir in the lemon juice until just combined.

6. Bake:
Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan and smooth the top. Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Let the cake cool in the pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.

7. Prepare the Lemon Glaze:
While the cake cools, whisk together the powdered sugar, lemon juice, and lemon zest until smooth. Adjust the consistency with a little more lemon juice or powdered sugar if needed.

8. Decorate:
Once the cake has cooled, drizzle the glaze over the top, allowing some to drip down the sides. Garnish with edible flowers, additional lemon zest, and lavender sprigs for a festive and beautiful presentation.

This Lemon and Lavender Ostara Cake is not just a dessert; it’s a celebration of spring’s arrival, the balance of light, and the renewal of the earth. Its bright, floral flavors are perfectly suited for an Ostara gathering, offering a sweet conclusion to a meal that honors this time of rejuvenation and new beginnings. Enjoy this cake as a symbol of the joy and vitality that the season of spring brings.


The celebration of Ostara and the Spring Equinox is a beautiful reminder of nature’s cycles of renewal and the balance within the universe and ourselves. Whether through ancient rituals or simple, mindful appreciation of the changing season, embracing the spirit of Ostara can be a rejuvenating and transformative experience. As we move forward into the warmth and vitality of spring, let us carry with us the lessons of balance, renewal, and growth.

A Tea Witch’s Grimoire: A New Edition

A Tea Witch’s Grimoire: A Magical Journey through Enchanted Teas

There’s something mystical about a warm cup of tea, isn’t there? It can be comforting, calming, and even healing. But what if I told you that tea has the potential to unleash a world of magic? Intrigued? I am thrilled to introduce you to my new book, “A Tea Witch’s Grimoire”, which takes you on a captivating journey into the realms of magical teas, spells, rituals, and herbal correspondences. What’s even better? You can now pre-order it on Amazon and indulge in the Sample for a taste of what’s to come!

Tea as a Gateway to Magic:
What sets “A Tea Witch’s Grimoire” apart is the unique blend of herbal knowledge, spellcasting, and tea brewing techniques. As an avid tea lover and practitioning witch myself, I’ve poured my heart and soul into creating this comprehensive guide for all tea enthusiasts, magical explorers, and curious souls alike.

Unlocking the Secrets:
Every page of this book holds a treasure trove of information and enchantment. The book begins by sharing the fundamental concepts of tea magic, guiding you through the art of blending teas, and understanding herbal correspondences. Whether you are a beginner or seasoned practitioner, you’ll find a wealth of wisdom to deepen your craft.

Spells and Rituals:
“A Tea Witch’s Grimoire” brings you an array of spells and rituals designed specifically for tea magic. From love spells to prosperity rituals, each chapter is filled with practical examples that bring tea and magic together in harmony. You’ll discover how to infuse your teas with intention, how to choose the perfect tea for your spellwork, and how to incorporate tea magic into your daily life.

Herbal Correspondences:
The intricacies of herbal correspondences come alive in this book, with detailed explanations of the magical properties and uses of various herbs. From lavender for relaxation to chamomile for dreamwork, you’ll uncover the hidden potential of countless herbs and their affinity to different aspects of your life.

Sample and Pre-Order on Amazon:
To truly experience the enchantment within “A Tea Witch’s Grimoire,” you can now explore the Sample available. This tantalizing glimpse will give you a taste of the book’s contents, sparking your curiosity and leaving you eager to uncover more. And if you are as captivated as I think you’ll be, don’t hesitate to pre-order the full book. That way, you’ll be among the first to dive into this mystical journey as soon as it releases.

Magic and tea blend harmoniously in “A Tea Witch’s Grimoire” to offer a delightful and transformative experience. Whether you’re an aspiring witch, an herbal enthusiast, or someone simply searching for a new way to infuse magic into your life, this book holds the key to unlocking the power of enchanted teas. So, why wait? Pre-order this captivating masterpiece on Amazon now, grab a cup of your favorite tea, and embark on a magical journey that will forever change the way you view both tea and witchcraft. Cheers to a life steeped in vibrant enchantment!



1 ½ cup all-purpose flour

1 ½ teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon salt

3 tablespoons granulated sugar

¾ cup heavy cream

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

¼ teaspoon maple extract


  1. Preheat your oven to 425 Fahrenheit and line a baking sheet with parchment paper or silicone baking mat. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar.
  2. In a liquid measuring cup or bowl, stir together heavy cream, vanilla, and maple.
  3. Drizzle cream mixture over your dry ingredients and stir, using just enough cream so that a dry dough forms with no loose flour at the bottom of your bowl. Use clean hands to finish mixing and shape dough into a ball. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface. Press dough out to a disk about 5 ½ inches across or ¾ inch thick.
  4. Use a dough scraper or knife to cut circle in 6 triangles. Transfer scones to your prepared baking sheet, arranging the wedges in a circle about 1 inch apart. Brush the scones with a little cream to help them brown.
  5. Bake for 14 to 16 minutes, until scones are baked through and lightly golden brown.
  6. Cool before serving.

Yields 6 Scones


2 cups of canned pumpkin puree

2 inches of fresh ginger root, peeled and grated

Grated zest and juice of 1 lime

2 cups granulated sugar

1/8 teaspoon nutmeg, ground

¾ cup (1 ½ sticks or cubes) unsalted butter, cut into cubes

4 eggs, beaten


  1. Use a garlic press to squeeze the ginger and to reserve the juice. Discard the ginger solids.
  2. In a medium-size saucepan over medium-low heat, place the lime zest and juice, ginger juice, pumpkin puree, nutmeg, and sugar. Stir until the sugar completely dissolves. Remove from heat and strain the pumpkin mixture into a heat-proof bowl set over a saucepan or double boiler of barely simmering water. Add butter and stir until completely melted.
  3. Using a fine strainer, pour the beaten eggs through it and into the bowl with the pumpkin mixture. Continue cooking, stirring often at the beginning and then continuously at the end, until the mixture coats the back of a spoon, approximately 30 minutes. Do not let it boil or the mixture will curdle.
  4. Remove from heat and pour the pumpkin curd mixture into warm sterilized glass jars. Seal and let it cool. The pumpkin curd will continue to thicken as it cools.
  5. Use immediately or store in the refrigerator for 1 week.

Yields 3 cups


2 cups all-purpose flour

¼ cup sugar

¼ cup firm butter

1/3 cup chopped apple

1 egg

1/3 cup apple cider

½ cup chopped pecans

1 ½ teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon nutmeg


  1. Preheat oven to 400 Fahrenheit and line a baking sheet with parchment paper or silicone baking mat. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Using a pastry blender, cut butter into flour mixture until it resembles course crumbs.
  2. Mix in egg and apple cider.
  3. Chop apple and blend into dough mixture.
  4. Turn dough onto lightly floured board. Pat dough into a ½ thick circle.
  5. Use 2” biscuit cutter to cut scones. Re-roll and flatten to use all the dough.
  6. Arrange on your baking sheet, touching each other.
  7. Melt 2 tablespoons of butter and brush the tops of the scones with the melted butter.
  8. Bake for 12 minutes.
  9. Place on a wire rack to cool. One cool, drizzle honey over the scones just before serving.

Yields 15


¾ pound bacon cut into inch slices then cut in half

1 large shallot minced

2 garlic cloves minced

½ cup light brown sugar

¼ cup sherry vinegar

¼ cup water

¼ cup maple syrup

¼ cup bourbon (optional: half maple syrup, half water)

1 teaspoon yellow mustard

Dash of salt


  1. In a medium skillet, cook bacon, stirring occasionally, until done and on the verge of crisp, approximately 10 minutes. Remove to a paper towel-lined plate.
  2. Add garlic and shallot directly to the same skillet with rendered bacon fat. Soften for approximately 4-5 minutes. Add remaining ingredients, stir well. Simmer on low heat for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until it starts to thicken and get a jam consistency.
  3. Liquids should evaporate, at this time, add bacon. Stir well, off heat, and allow to cool slightly. This should leave you with a sticky bacon jam.

Yields 2 cups


A pint of heavy whipping cream


  1. Preheat oven to lowest setting (around 175 to 180 F)
  2. Pour heavy whipping cream into a 9×13 glass pan
  3. Cover tightly with foil. Put the pan in the oven for about 12 hours until the top is lightly golden.
  4. Remove from oven and let cool.
  5. Move to the fridge for at least 12 hours until cream is solid.
  6. Scoop into a jar and serve with scones.


1 French baguette, cut into 12 thin slices

1 bosc pear, cut into 12 thin slices

4 – 6 oz brie cheese, divided into 12 pieces

6 oz prosciutto, 10 – 12 strips

3 tablespoons butter


  1. Spread butter on both sides of each bread slice, and toast lightly under a broiler for 1-2 minutes each side. You can also use a toaster.
  2. When bread is golden, lay the pieces on a baking sheet and layer with slice of pear and brie. Finally, wrap a prosciutto and bake at 350 F for 10-13 minutes.
  3. When the cheese has melted, remove from oven and allow to cool slightly before serving.

Yields 12


1 French baguette, cut into 12 thin slices

1 pomegranate, collect the seeds

1 cup roasted pecans

8 oz block feta cheese

½ cup Greek yogurt

2 tablespoon olive oil

3 tablespoons butter


  1. Combine the feta cheese, Greek yogurt, and olive oil in a food processor or blender and process until smooth. If the texture is too thick, add in 1 teaspoon of water at a time until desired consistency is reached.
  2. Spread butter on both sides of each bread slice, and toast lightly under a broiler for 1-2 minutes each side. You can also use a toaster.
  3. When bread is golden, lay the pieces on a baking sheet and layer with the whipped feta, roasted pecans, and the pomegranate seeds.

Yields 12


2 tablespoons apple butter

24 very thin slices wheat or white bread, crusts removed

12 slices deli turkey

12 thin slices smoked gouda cheese


  1. Spread apple butter over each bread slice.
  2. Layer the turkey and cheese over each of the 12 bread slices; top with remaining bread. Cut each sandwich into quarters.

Yields 4 dozen


4 oz goat cheese, softened

2 tablespoons snipped chives

2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill

2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil

Pinches of salt

Ground pepper to taste

24 very thin slices of wheat or white bread, crusts removed

2 tablespoons chopped walnuts, toasted

4 oz sliced pickled beets

2 cups arugula


  1. Mash goat cheese, chives, dill, oil, salt and pepper together in small bowl. Spread the goat cheese mixture on one side of the 12 slices of bread. Sprinkle with walnuts, then layer on beets and arugula. Top with the rest of bread slices and cut into quarters.

Yields 4 dozen


2 1/3 cups all-purpose flour

2/3 cup packed light brown sugar

¾ cup (1 ½ sticks) butter or margarine

1 egg, slightly beaten

2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips, divided

1 cup coarsely chopped nuts

1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk

1 ¾ (10-ounce package) English toffee bits, divided


  1. Heat oven to 350 F. Grease 13x9x2 – inch baking pan.
  2. Stir together flour and brown sugar in large bowl. Cut in butter with pastry blender until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add egg, mix well. Stir in 1 ½ cups chocolate chips and nuts. Reserve 1 ½ cups mixture. Press remaining crumb mixture onto bottom of prepared pan.
  3. Bake 10 minutes. Pour sweetened condensed milk evenly over hot crust. Top with 1 ½ cups toffee bits. Sprinkle reserved crumb mixture and remaining ½ cup chips over top.
  4. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown. Sprinkle with remaining ¼ cup toffee bits. Cool completely in pan on wire rack. Cut into bars.

Yields 30 bars


1 cup (2 sticks) butter or margarine, softened

½ cup powdered sugar

¼ teaspoon salt

1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour

2 cups (12-ounce package) semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk

½ teaspoon almond extract

½ cup sliced almonds, toasted


  1. Heat oven to 350 F. Grease 13x9x2-inch baking pan.
  2. Beat butter, powdered sugar, and salt in a large bowl until fluffy. Add flour; mix well. With floured hands, press evenly into prepared pan.
  3. Bake 20 minutes or until lightly browned.
  4. Melt chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk in heavy saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, stir in extract. Spread evenly over baked shortbread. Garnish with almonds, press down firmly. Cool. Chill 3 hours or until form. Cut into bars. Store covered in room temperature.

Yields 24 to 30 bars


1 ½ cups all-purpose flour

½ cup packed light brown sugar

½ cup (1 stick) cold butter or margarine

1 2/3 cups (10-ounce package) peanut butter chips, divided

1 can (14 ouches) sweetened condensed milk

1 egg, slightly beaten

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

¾ cup chopped walnuts

Powdered sugar (optional)


  1. Heat oven to 350 F. Stir together flour and brown sugar in medium bowl. Cut in butter with pastry blender or fork until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in ½ cup peanut butter chips. Press mixture into bottom of ungreased 13x9x2-inch baking pan. Bake 15 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, combine sweetened condensed milk, egg, and vanilla in a large bowl. Stir in remaining chips and walnuts. Spread evening over hot baked crust.
  3. Bake 25 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely in pan on wire rack. Cut in 2 or 2 ½ inch squares diagonally into triangles. Sift powdered sugar over top, if desired.

Yields 24 to 40 triangles

Virgo Magick

Hello and Welcome!

Virgo, the virgin maiden, is a time to celebrate the wild freedom that is within all of us. To once again feel that innocent joy and run with it. Virgo reminds us that we need to know who we are and what passions we seek. To perfect our craft and get creating! I’ve always felt strongly drawn to Virgos, perhaps because my father is one. But, I believe it is also because Virgo’s carry a sense of strength like non other in the zodiac. It’s almost regal and their determination for seeking their inner truth is noteworthy.

Because of this, I decided to dedicate a tea blend and a few spells for Virgos. In no way does this mean that only Virgos can do this however. This is for anyone who wishes to seek to tap into their own inner Virgo.


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I chose these specific teas for good reason. One being they each incorporate the essence of Virgo. Virgos are ruled by the planet Mercury, and are the element of Earth.

Lavender, in my opinion, represents all that it means to be Virgo. The flower of Mercury, it evokes chastity, peace, love, and protection.

Mugwort is an herb of Earth.

Lastly, dried Peaches. The tie that binds this blend together. This fuzzy little fruit is the Moon’s eye, and not only is it used for love and intuition, it obtains truth. So naturally, pair these all together to find your inner truth.

Here is the recipe I used for a 2 cup portion.

If the flavor is a bit bland from the Mugwort, add a couple of pinches of coconut sugar. Yummy!

*don’t drink if pregnant or allergic. Expect lucid dreaming, and a very mild head high. Don’t drink beyond 3 days, or more than a pot of tea.*

Now, you can’t have tea without including a sweet hot bath to pair with it.

This recipe was perfect at the end of the night. Especially to align yourself, and prepare for the journey to inner truth. By all means, however, take this bath whenever you like.


The recipes consists of 1 cup of coconut sugar, and 1 cup of powdered milk. Then add 15 drops of Bergamot essential oil. If you wish for more however, or less, that’s up to you. Although, be vigilant, since Bergamot is photosensitive. So, immediately shower after the bath. Or, even consider using earl grey tea. I would have, but I ran out of my favorite brand.

Now, take a long hot soak and meditate.

Virgo Spells

Any spells for luck, wealth, finances, healing, and manifesting.

Money Spray

Patchouli (herb or oil)


Brew the herb as a tea and let it sit for 10 minutes. As it steeps, chant over it:

Pat my pockets, chew my money, but it shall always return back to me. 

Strain the tea, and mix with half of Spring water. Or add 7, 10, or 11 drops of patchouli oil to a full bottle of Spring water. And place it in a spray bottle. Lay out all your money, credit/debit cards, taxes, etc and give it a good spritz. Not too much, wouldn’t want to soak your money! And repeat the chant from above. 

Anything you spend, shall return back to you. 

Agrimony Bath

This cleansing provides psychic and magical healing.


Make a strong infusion by pouring boiling water over the agrimony. Let it cool, then strain out the botanical material. Dip a white cloth into the infusion and gently bath with it in the bath.

If you don’t wish to use the dried herb, you may also use this wonderful Flower Remedy of Agrimony!

Same concept. Use the dropper to place about 15 – 20 drops into the bath water and use a white cloth to cleanse yourself.

This concoction can also be used to banish negative energies and spirits. Agrimony has long been used to reverse spells sent against another. Not only does it break hexes, but also sends them back to the hexer.

San Cipriano Oil

This oil is universal. It is said that when blended true to your Spirit, it can create miracles. But it must be blended with pure intentions and not for selfish needs. 

Cover the roots with olive, sunflower, and/or jojoba oil. Add the oils as the last step. 

As it is being created, one must be a state of meditation. Your soul shall lead you in creating this miracle blend. 

Any of the links above are to trusted Amazon sources that I have personally bought my witchcraft supplies from. I guarantee you’ll have a positive experience.

Great Moon Blessings everyone, and enjoy the recipes!

Blessed Be )○(

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Virgo Magick!



I find it so important to love your home and care for it the way it ought to be. Almost as much as you love yourself, really. It’s your home, after all. A lot of the time, we get so caught up with fast paced living that we forget to maintain our environment, and often times, we end up feeling the negative energies that stick to the walls of our home. One could honestly compare that to when we don’t do self-care.

Who would want to live in that environment? Or visit it?

So one may ask themselves, what sort of magick should you be conjuring in your home during the waning moon (last quarter)?

We focus on banishing, cleansing, and protection.

We burn incense, we dust, we vacuum. This is a time to focus on spells especially for breaking bad habits.

Below are a few and simple ways to conjure this sort of magick into the home.


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Hot House Powder


Combine equal parts in a mortar and pestle. Grind to a fine powder. Burn over charcoal and use a cleansing tool to smudge across the halls and rooms of your home.


You can place the powder in a black drawstring bag, and either place or pour across front/back doors, windows, bedrooms, or at the center of your home.

*Note* – If you cannot find Sulfur, you may substitute with Tobacco.

This Hot House Powder is perfect for cleansing and protecting your home. This is especially good if your home has recently been visited by unwanted guests. That goes for evil spirits as well. Or, your home is being swept by a sickness. Any kind of negativity. As well as, if you feel like black magick is being casted your way.

Breaking A Bad Habit Spell


This spell will give you a good reason to dust around the home, especially when your bad habits are often done at home. Collect the dust you swept and save in a bowl. Combine an equal amount and/or grind the needed herbs together. Mix this powder with the collected dust.

You will need to get the amount of candles to the same amount of bad habits you want to break. Ex: you have 3 bad habits, so you will need 3 candles.

Carve into each candle ONE word that represents the bad habit. Ex: DRUGS. GAMBLING. PROCRASTINATION.

Now, you will need a flat surface. With the powder, you will use it to draw out this symbol below:

Now place the candles along the corners of the sigil. If you are only using one candle, place in the center.

Focus your intentions on each candle when you light it. Allow the candles to burn down, along with your bad habits. See them burn away.

Once the candles are burned down, you may collect the powder and bury it outside from your home.

The spell is done.

Red House Carpet Powder


You will need a 1/2 cup of both the Baking Soda and Borax. Mix together. Then you will add 20-25 drops of Sandalwood Essential Oil. Mix thoroughly. Pour this mixture into the glass container. Then, sprinkle this powder over your carpets. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then vacuum.

I LOVE this Red House Carpet Powder. I use it EVERY time I vacuum. It leaves my carpets smelling so good, and the vibrations practically glow. It cleanses the area, and leaves it with a barrier of protection.

Well, I hope these spells are welcomed and bring forth good blessings.

All items that I share are items that I have personally bought for my craft. I guarantee positive sources and experiences with these Amazon stores.

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Waning Moon Spells For The Good Witch Keepers



We are back again for another GOOD WITCH KEEPING SERIES. FULL MOON edition!

During this magical time, the Full Moon is vibrant with energy, so it is an ideal time for any and all hearth magick to be done. For all things considered, one does not need to wait only for the night of the Full Moon. Magick can be done during the whole week. So don’t sell your magick short.

Below, are few simple Full Moon Spells that you could do. 


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To Enchant Your Words During Spellwork

During your Full Moon Ritual, consider drinking the tea or chewing on some Galangal Root. This will enchant your words, and empower your spells. And instill courage and strength.

To Manifest Good Energy To You

Take a walk in the woods, beach, or just relax in your balcony/backyard. Bring a stick, seven leaves from an ash or oak tree, several stones, and a white or green candle.  
With the stick, draw a circle on the ground and mark the directions with your leaves. Keeping three to hold. Place the stones at the center of the circle. Light the candle, and concentrate upon your connection to the Earth and how you honor that connection, and will honor it in your life. 

Then beginning towards to the East. Raise your stick and candle and say:

“Good luck rises for me in the East”

To the South:
“My love rises in the South”

To the West:
“My wishes rise in the West”

To the North:
“From the North, my dreams will come true”

Step out (preferably with your right foot first) from the circle, towards the North direction. Keep the leaves there for the night as an offering. Keep the three you held throughout the spell. Gather the stones before sunrise, or after a couple of hours of moonlight. And allow the candle to burn down.

Meditation Blessing 

Sit comfortably in front of your altar. Meditate and begin to think of all the blessings you have in your life. Breathe steadily. Deeply inhale and exhale for 20 minutes. Then when you are ready chant:

“Great Goddess, giver of all the fruits of this Earth. Of all the bounty, beauty, and well-being. Bless all who give and receive these gifts. I am made of sacred Earth, Purest water, Sacred fire, And wildest wind. Blessings upon me. Blessings upon thee, Mother Earth. And Sister Sky. 

So mote it be.”

Dragon’s Blood Bath

This mix is to empower and cleanse the magical spirit within you. 
Ground equal amounts of:

Add the powder to a nice hot bath. Once submerged, open your senses and spirit in meditation. Envision a golden gate opening within you, and allow the energy of the bath to enter you.

Money Spray

Patchouli (herb or oil)

Brew the herb as a tea and let it sit for 10 minutes. As it steeps, chant over it:

Pat my pockets, Chou my money, but Li shall always return back to me. 

Strain the tea, and mix with half of Spring water. Or add 7, 10, or 11 drops of patchouli oil to a full bottle of Spring water. And place it in a spray bottle. Lay out all your money, credit/debit cards, taxes, etc and give it a good spritz. Not too much, wouldn’t want to soak your money! And repeat the chant from above. 

Anything you spend, shall return back to you.


Blue Moon Balm

Blend this oil during the full moon. Combine the following oils with either 4 ounces of unscented body lotion, or 2 ounces of olive oil, or sweet almond oil

Shake the oils together and place in a corked jar. Sit quietly in a room lit only by 1 blue candle and rub the balm gently into your skin after a bath. 

Say aloud:

Work thy spell to heal and nurse. Blessed balm, banish my pain. Harm to none, and health to all. 

Use this balm if ever a dreary day arises, or if a dark mood is present. It heals both body and mind.

San Cipriano Oil

This oil is universal. It is said that when blended true to your Spirit, it can create miracles. But it must be blended with pure intentions and not for selfish needs. 

Grind the herbs to a very fine powder and blend. Cover them with olive, sunflower, and/or jojoba oil. Add the oils as the last step. 

As it is being created, one must be a state of meditation. Your soul shall lead you in creating this miracle blend.

May this Full Moon be delightfully enriching for you all out there. Be sure to embrace the power that flows through you. Be filled with wisdom and love.

Blessed Be.

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Dedicating An Animal Spirit

Hello and Welcome!

I’ve recently discovered a ritual that is both beautiful and magickal. If you are one that finds your pet to be special and powerful, then this is the spell for you. If you are also one who finds great purpose in worshiping deities, then this is the ritual for you.

This ritual is dedicating an animal to a specific Spirit. This will create a profound triangular relationship between human, spirit and animal. This ritual derives from indigenous Siberia, but with a twist.


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  1. Choose a specific animal to be dedicated to a specific deity. ( I will include a list of animals and the deities that are associated with them.)
  2. Purify the animal with juniper incense.
  3. Sprinkle it with wine.
  4. Decorate the animal with ribbons in colors associated with the specific Spirit.
  5. Offer the animal an infusion of 1 teaspoon of honey to 1-2 cups of water.
  6. The animal is returned home or to its flock. It is now never ridden, eaten, or worked. It is treated special and allowed to enjoy its life as a gesture of sacrificial devotion. This treatment may extend over the animal’s entire natural life or for a specific period of time. This must be specified during the initiation.



Artemis. Bastet. Freya. Hecate. Lilith.


Dionysus. Durga. Hathor. Kybele. Sekhmet.


Artemis. Hecate. Ogun. Saint Roch.


Anat. Demeter. Epona. Poseidon. Rhiannon. Rla-mgrin (Hayagriva)


Agwe. Heket.


Athena. Ezilli Freda Dahomey. Lilith. Mami Waters. Simbi. Lady Asherah.


Brigid. Hathor. Hermes. Isis. Lakshmi. Maeve. Shiva.


Atargatis. La Baleine. La Sirene. Yemaya.


Demeter. Seth.


Aphrodite. Artemis. Baba Yaga. Faunus. Hathor. Lilith. Saint Anthony.

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Great Blessings!

Dedicate An Animal Spirit!

Secret Wisdom of the Witch Wife

Welcome, and thank you for crossing the hedge!

Below is an interview with an extraordinary woman, whose wisdom goes beyond many I’ve ever spoken to. For personal reasons, she chooses to remain private, but permits her craft to be told and shared.

I learned a new term today from this Crone whom I just met. Her aura was pure and green. Her character is patient and wise. She has seen 60 moons. Harnessed her craft for the last 49 suns.

She termed herself a Witch Wife. When I asked her what that was, she gifted me with her knowledge.

Much like a midwife and a hedgewitch, a Witch Wife teaches the ways of the craft to the young, until they reach mature adulthood. They stay together until the student ends their raising, decides to become a Witch Wife themselves, or get traditionally married.

I asked, “why until they get married?”

She said because at that point the pupil’s power is no longer their own. It is merged with their partner’s, and therefore, new traditions are created. The apprentice will carry on their own solitary craft, and may wish to pass it on to their children. They can also decide to have a Witch Wife tutor them.

I asked, “is a Witch Wife often unmarried?”

She answered yes, a Witch Wife is a woman who is free of vows to another. They are solitary practitioners, save for the teachers that raised them. When they first decide to become a Witch Wife, a ritual is done that weds the new wife to her craft. A small private ritual is held with other Witch Wives pesent. This event is often planned on the eve of a new season.

After the new Witch Wife takes a period to establish herself, a novice is chosen and passed on to her to have tutored. This youth is called a Witch Child. This pupil becomes her child of the craft to pass on the wisdom.

I asked, “how is a Witch Child chosen? Can you raise more than one?”

She answered yes, she has raised two. Some take up to three. The Witch Child is often an offspring from a pupil who had either chosen to marry, or had given birth to a babe(s). The Witch Child needs to show interest in the craft before they are chosen. Then is asked if they would like to be taught by a Witch Wife. There are some rare cases where a Witch Child is chosen from a friend of the Witch Wife’s.

I asked, “can a Witch Wife ever get married if she wishes to?”

She answered yes, but this is considered infidelity towards the Witch Wife’s craft. She will know that she will never fully belong to her partner, as well as to her craft. She will be in a state of eclipse. Only when she is widowed, will she be free of her vows to her partner. If she births children, it is still tradition that they may be tutored by another Witch Wife, if the child wishes it.

I then asked, “can a married Witch Wife still tutor other pupils?”

She answered no, because at that point she is eclipsed. A Witch Wife must be faithful to her craft in order to lead a Witch Child through the bright and shadowed aspects of their craft. A married Witch Wife has one eye shut. That is the eye that is focused on her marital bed, and the concerns of her partner. A Witch Wife must have both eyes focused on her craft, and on the success of her Witch Child.

I then asked, “are married Witch Wives looked down upon in your group?”

She answered no, of course not. They are family. They were all Witch Children that were raised by Witch Wives. They are still invited to attend events, outings, and some rituals. They are all a very close knit group. Their children are accepted and often taught in the ways as well.

I asked, “what happens if a Witch Child decides not to be a Witch Wife, or doesn’t want to continues their studies?”

She answered, a Witch Child is free to end their studies at any point during their growth. If they stop their studies midway, they will no longer be called a Witch Child. If a Witch Child decides to not become a Witch Wife at the end of their studies, she will be called a Witch Soul, and carry on a solitary practice. She won’t participate in the same Witch Wife rituals.

I asked, “how often is a Witch Child tutored?”

She answered, it depends. For some it can be once or twice a week. For others, it can be more. It depends on location, schedule, and the child’s enthusiasm. It is much like an afterschool program, because for some Witch Children, they come straight from school until their parent(s) pick them up after work. During school breaks, fun study outings such as campings are planned.

I asked, “are Witch Children/Wives always female?”

She answered, Witch Wives are always female. Not to discriminate today’s gender roles and beliefs, but because that has been the way of their tradition. There have been two Witch Children that were boys. Only one had completed his studies, however, and continued on to practice as a solitary Witch Soul.

I asked, “does a Witch Child have to begin their studies when they are a child, or can they be older?”

She answered, it is generally recommended that they begin young. Before the thirteenth birthday. There is a rare chance an older child may be taught, but the Witch Child has to study for a longer period of time.

I then asked, “until when is a Witch Child’s studies complete?”

She answered, when they complete each phase of their lessons. It is not just craft knowledge they are learning, it is also the process of growth that they are surpassing. Children undergo a serious change of mind and heart when they reach puberty. For some, it is often a struggle to get through the raging thoughts and emotions. Witch Wives especially stand by their Witch Child when these years are developing. Teach them the ways of growing past it. When all lessons have been exceeded, is when a Witch Child has completed their raising.

I asked, “is a Witch Wife’s craft similar to any other witchcraft practice? Is it a religion?”

She answered that it is not a religion. There is no one Deity or the worship of Gods. There is only nature, the magick it harbors, and the techniques to tap into that power. Their practice focuses on healing, ancestral magick, conjuring, and sharpening the intuition. Witch Wives are wed to the infinite power that sources all things, and thus are linked to that magick. Their practice involves herbal knowledge, charms, potions, spells, gardening, livestock, and divination.

I asked, “how long has this tradition been around?”

She answered, since the early 40s. A very small group of three women followed Irish/Scottish/Germanic folk magick traditions, formed the practice. They were unwed, but wholeheartedly believed in their craft. One had two daughters, and each were given to one Witch Wife to raise in the craft. One Witch Child became a Witch Wife, the other became a Witch Soul. That Witch Soul had children that were passed over to the other Witch Wives to raise. And it has been that way since the beginning. There have been five generations, so far.

I asked, “is there a hierarchy order to this tradition?”

She answered, yes in a way. Wisdom is more so in the Witch Wives. That, and Witch Wives are wed to the craft. Therefore, their power is linked to it, and are the only ones able to pass on the gifts to the Witch Children. A Witch Wife practices all forms of their magick.

Witch Souls are the Witch Children that complete their raising, but, they do not become Witch Wives. Therefore, the power is their own to use. They are a sole practitioner. A Witch Soul mostly practices healing and divination.

Witch Children are the young that are raised by a Witch Wife. During their training, they are taught all the forms of their practice. During this time, Witch Children share their power with the Witch Wife to understand the craft.

It is seen as a family system, then a hierarchy one.

I asked, “what kind of spells and rituals do you do? How are they formed?

She answered that she didn’t wish to go into detail about how their spells and rituals are created, or all of the spellwork that they do. But, that generally they are focused towards healing, fertility, prosperity, and protection, just to name a few.

I asked, “do you think your practice will grow bigger? Gain notice? Do you want it to?”

She answered she doesn’t believe it will grow bigger, or that it will gain notice. Some traditions are better to keep small. Their practice is a craft that takes time. Not all who practice would agree with it, or would believe in it. That is all right, because magick is a shared practice that is invoked in many methods. In many beliefs. New and old.

She didn’t really express if whether she wanted it to gain notice or grow bigger. She simply included, that she was just happy to share her story with someone of a open heart, and hopes others will see it as such.


This was the most inspiring conversation and I am so thankful to share this amazing family’s craft tradition. I humbly thank you for entrusting me with this wisdom. Thank you, thank you.

Rare Herb Substitutions


I recently wrote an article about herbal substitutions, and though it is helpful for the common plants, what about the rare ones?

Here is a chart for those substitutions. Follow them like so:


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Where to find some of these rare herbs:

Where to find some of these rare herbs:

Where to find some of these rare herbs:

Where to find some of these rare herbs:

Here is a great kit for the beginner herbal collector! Check it out by following the link.

Wicca or Hoodoo Herb Spell Kit – 30 Witchcraft Herbs + Magickal Herbs eBook

Enjoy and blessings ☆

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