Solar Eclipse Tea Ceremony: Honoring the Dance of Light and Shadow

April 8th, 2024

The phenomenon of a solar eclipse has long held a place of wonder and mystique in the human psyche. Across cultures and epochs, these celestial events have been viewed as powerful omens, bringing with them a profound impact on the natural world and the inner landscapes of human consciousness. The solar eclipse of April 8th, 2024, is no exception, positioned to cast its shadow across realms both seen and unseen, imbued with a significance that beckons to those sensitive to the more subtle vibrations of our universe.

A Cosmic Alignment

At its core, a solar eclipse occurs when the moon positions itself directly between the Earth and the Sun, obscuring the Sun’s light and casting a shadow upon the Earth. This alignment is not just a spectacular visual event; it is a convergence of celestial energies that has a deep magickal resonance. The sun, symbolizing life, light, and vitality, temporarily cloaked by the moon—emblematic of intuition, the subconscious, and the hidden aspects of life—creates a moment of balance between opposing forces, a fusion of light and darkness.

The Portal Opens: April 8th, 2024

The solar eclipse of April 8th, 2024, holds particular significance due to its timing and visibility. Occurring on a Monday—a day traditionally associated with the moon—amplifies its connection to the lunar energies and intuition. This eclipse serves as a powerful portal, an opening to deeper understanding and heightened spiritual awareness. It is a time when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest, allowing for an unprecedented flow of universal energies and making it an ideal moment for magickal workings, deep meditation, and the setting of intentions for personal growth and transformation.

Magickal Properties and Practices

During this eclipse, the energies are ripe for practices aimed at internal development and the exploration of the shadow self. It is an opportune moment for:

Shadow Work
Delving into the unconscious, confronting hidden aspects of oneself, and initiating healing.

Using tarot, runes, or other tools to gain insights into the past, present, and future.

Setting intentions or casting spells focused on new beginnings, personal growth, and the banishment of negative energies.

Meditation and Ritual
Engaging in rituals that honor the balance of light and darkness, or meditating to connect with higher consciousness and the universal energy.

A Time of Transformation

The solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024, is more than just an astronomical event; it is a celestial beacon for transformation and growth. It reminds us of the cyclic nature of existence, the eternal dance of light and shadow, and the power of moments of transition. For those attuned to the magickal dimensions of life, this eclipse offers a unique opportunity to align with cosmic energies, deepen spiritual practices, and embrace the transformative power of the cosmos.

Tea Ceremony

The solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024, offers a rare opportunity to celebrate the celestial dance between the sun and the moon. This ceremony combines the tranquility of a tea ritual with the culinary delight of specially prepared foods, creating a holistic experience that honors the energies of this unique day. As April 8th is also the Day of Mooncakes, honoring the Moon Goddess, a special emphasis is placed on the mooncake, a traditional delicacy symbolizing reunion and completeness. There is no coincidence that the solar eclipse so happens to have also fallen on this blessed day.

Setting the Scene

Choose a tranquil, comfortable location with a view of the sky (if possible). Decorate your space with symbols of the sun and moon—think of using yellow and silver colors, crystals like citrine and moonstone, and flowers that bloom in the daylight or moonlight. Begin just before the eclipse starts, to fully embrace the transition of energies.

Tea Eclipse Blend

– Black tea (representing the shadow)
– Jasmine flowers (for the moon)
– Orange peel (for the sun)
– A pinch of gold edible glitter (for celestial sparkle)

1. Blend the black tea, jasmine flowers, and orange peel in equal parts.
2. Boil water and let it cool for about a minute to avoid burning the delicate jasmine.
3. Steep the tea blend for 3-4 minutes.
4. Pour into cups and sprinkle a pinch of gold edible glitter into each for a cosmic shimmer.

Eclipse Ritual Recipes

Sunshine Fruit Platter:
Arrange a platter of sun-colored fruits—think mangoes, oranges, and peaches. Cut them into sun and star shapes to celebrate the daylight being obscured.

Shadow Berry Skewers:
Thread blackberries, blueberries, and dark grapes onto skewers, symbolizing the shadow that the moon casts over the earth during an eclipse.

Mooncake Recipe: Honoring the Moon Goddess

– For the Filling:
  – 1 cup red bean paste (or lotus seed paste)
  – 1/4 cup chopped nuts (optional, for texture)
– For the Dough:
  – 1 cup all-purpose flour
  – 1/4 cup golden syrup
  – 1/2 teaspoon alkaline water
  – 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  – 1 egg yolk, beaten (for glazing)

1. Make the Dough: Mix the golden syrup, alkaline water, and vegetable oil in a bowl. Sift in the flour, and mix until a dough forms. Cover and let it rest for 2 hours.
2. Prepare the Filling: If you choose, mix the red bean paste with chopped nuts for added texture.
3. Form the Mooncakes: Divide the dough and filling into equal portions. Wrap the filling with the dough, then press into a mooncake mold. If you do not have a mold, you can simply form them into crescent moon shapes.
4. Bake: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Place the mooncakes on a baking sheet and brush with beaten egg yolk. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until golden.
5. Cool and Serve: Allow the mooncakes to cool completely before serving. They symbolize the full moon and the Moon Goddess’s blessings.

Closing the Ceremony

Partake in this ceremony as the eclipse starts. As it reaches totality, take part in a group meditation to connect with the energies of the eclipse. Honor the Sun and Moon with your energy and intentions. As the eclipse concludes and the sunlight begins to return, reflect on the experience, the celestial energies, and the connection felt with the universe. Share thoughts and feelings with your guests, and close with a collective moment of gratitude for the beauty and wonder of the cosmos.

This tea ceremony and accompanying recipes offer a way to engage with the magickal energies of the solar eclipse, creating a space for reflection, celebration, and culinary delight. Enjoy the profound connection to the celestial dance, and may the balance of light and shadow bring harmony and insight.

In conclusion, as the shadow of the moon obscures the sun on this auspicious day, let us remember the magickal significance of this event. It is a time to reflect, to look inward, and to embrace the mysteries that lie in the darkness, knowing that from this darkness comes light, growth, and profound transformation.

Celebrating Cake Day: Honoring the Divine and Ancestors with Sweet Offerings

February 28th marks a unique and heartwarming tradition known as Cake Day. This day is dedicated to the celebration of love, remembrance, and reverence through the universal language of cakes. It is a day when people across various cultures come together to bake and share little cakes as offerings to honor the gods and goddesses or to remember and pay homage to their ancestors. Cake Day is not just about indulging in sweet treats; it’s about the spirit of giving, sharing, and commemorating those who have left a lasting impact on our lives.

The Significance of Cakes in Rituals

Cakes have been a part of human celebrations and rituals for centuries. In many traditions, cakes are considered symbols of abundance, sweetness, and the joy of life. On Cake Day, these connotations take on a spiritual and ancestral significance. The act of baking and offering cakes is seen as a gesture of respect and gratitude towards the deities and ancestors, acknowledging their blessings and guidance in our lives.

Making Little Cakes: A Simple Recipe

To participate in the celebration of Cake Day, you don’t need to be a professional baker. Here’s a simple recipe for making little cakes that can be offered as part of your observance:

– 1 cup all-purpose flour
– 1/2 cup sugar
– 1/4 cup butter, softened
– 1/4 cup milk
– 1 egg
– 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
– 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
– A pinch of salt

1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
2. In a mixing bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
3. Beat in the egg and vanilla extract.
4. In another bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt.
5. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the creamed mixture alternately with milk, starting and ending with the flour mixture. Mix until just combined.
6. Spoon the batter into greased mini muffin tins or small cake molds.
7. Bake for 10-15 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a cake comes out clean.
8. Allow the cakes to cool before decorating them as desired or leaving them plain for a simple offering.

Cake Day Tea Ceremony

The Cake Day Tea Ceremony is a serene and heartfelt ritual that combines the simplicity of tea, the sweetness of cakes, and the beauty of flowers to honor and remember our ancestors. This ceremony is designed to create a moment of reflection, gratitude, and connection to our past, bridging the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds with each sip of tea and bite of cake. Here’s how you can conduct your own Cake Day Tea Ceremony:

Setting the Space
Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can set up a small altar or table for the ceremony. This space should be clean and arranged in a way that feels peaceful and sacred to you. On your altar or table, place a clean cloth. Arrange little cakes you’ve baked for the occasion along with fresh flowers, which symbolize the beauty and impermanence of life, such as irises or daffodils. You may also include photographs of your ancestors, heirlooms, or any other items that connect you to your heritage and loved ones who have passed.

Prepare the Tea
Select a tea that resonates with you spiritually or culturally. It could be a tea that your ancestors enjoyed or one that holds a particular meaning to your family. Before the ceremony, prepare the tea with mindfulness and care, pouring your intentions of honor and remembrance into every step.
My personal favorite on this day is a blend of oolong tea with chamomile and dried pear pieces.

Conducting the Ceremony
Begin the ceremony by lighting a candle to welcome the presence of your ancestors. This act symbolizes the light of their spirits and the warmth of their guidance in your life. Offer the tea and cakes and pour the tea into cups, placing them on the altar as offerings to your ancestors. Next to the cups, arrange the little cakes and flowers. As you do this, speak the names of the ancestors you wish to honor, or simply hold them in your heart with gratitude.

Sit in silence for a few minutes, allowing yourself to feel the presence of your ancestors. Reflect on the lessons they’ve taught you, the love they’ve shared, and the ways in which they’ve influenced your life. After spending a few moments in reflection, consume the tea and cakes yourself or share them with others present. This act symbolizes the sharing of wisdom, love, and blessings between the living and the dead, ensuring that the legacy of your ancestors is kept alive through you.

Conclude the ceremony by expressing your thanks to your ancestors for their presence and blessings. Blow out the candle to signify the end of the ceremony, carrying forward the warmth and light they’ve brought into your life.

The Cake Day Tea Ceremony is an intimate and powerful way to connect with your ancestors and pay homage to their enduring presence in your life. Through the simple acts of sharing tea and cakes, you not only honor their memory but also weave their legacy into the fabric of your daily life. Let this ceremony be a reminder of the sweetness and love that transcends the boundaries of time and space, bringing you closer to your roots and heritage.

Cake Day is a beautiful tradition that brings together the sweetness of cakes and the depth of spiritual and ancestral respect. By baking little cakes and participating in a tea ceremony, we create a space to honor the divine and remember our ancestors. This celebration reminds us of the beauty of tradition, the importance of gratitude, and the universal language of food in expressing love and reverence. Let’s embrace Cake Day as an opportunity to connect with our roots and spread sweetness and joy in our communities.

A Tea Witch’s Grimoire: A New Edition

A Tea Witch’s Grimoire: A Magical Journey through Enchanted Teas

There’s something mystical about a warm cup of tea, isn’t there? It can be comforting, calming, and even healing. But what if I told you that tea has the potential to unleash a world of magic? Intrigued? I am thrilled to introduce you to my new book, “A Tea Witch’s Grimoire”, which takes you on a captivating journey into the realms of magical teas, spells, rituals, and herbal correspondences. What’s even better? You can now pre-order it on Amazon and indulge in the Sample for a taste of what’s to come!

Tea as a Gateway to Magic:
What sets “A Tea Witch’s Grimoire” apart is the unique blend of herbal knowledge, spellcasting, and tea brewing techniques. As an avid tea lover and practitioning witch myself, I’ve poured my heart and soul into creating this comprehensive guide for all tea enthusiasts, magical explorers, and curious souls alike.

Unlocking the Secrets:
Every page of this book holds a treasure trove of information and enchantment. The book begins by sharing the fundamental concepts of tea magic, guiding you through the art of blending teas, and understanding herbal correspondences. Whether you are a beginner or seasoned practitioner, you’ll find a wealth of wisdom to deepen your craft.

Spells and Rituals:
“A Tea Witch’s Grimoire” brings you an array of spells and rituals designed specifically for tea magic. From love spells to prosperity rituals, each chapter is filled with practical examples that bring tea and magic together in harmony. You’ll discover how to infuse your teas with intention, how to choose the perfect tea for your spellwork, and how to incorporate tea magic into your daily life.

Herbal Correspondences:
The intricacies of herbal correspondences come alive in this book, with detailed explanations of the magical properties and uses of various herbs. From lavender for relaxation to chamomile for dreamwork, you’ll uncover the hidden potential of countless herbs and their affinity to different aspects of your life.

Sample and Pre-Order on Amazon:
To truly experience the enchantment within “A Tea Witch’s Grimoire,” you can now explore the Sample available. This tantalizing glimpse will give you a taste of the book’s contents, sparking your curiosity and leaving you eager to uncover more. And if you are as captivated as I think you’ll be, don’t hesitate to pre-order the full book. That way, you’ll be among the first to dive into this mystical journey as soon as it releases.

Magic and tea blend harmoniously in “A Tea Witch’s Grimoire” to offer a delightful and transformative experience. Whether you’re an aspiring witch, an herbal enthusiast, or someone simply searching for a new way to infuse magic into your life, this book holds the key to unlocking the power of enchanted teas. So, why wait? Pre-order this captivating masterpiece on Amazon now, grab a cup of your favorite tea, and embark on a magical journey that will forever change the way you view both tea and witchcraft. Cheers to a life steeped in vibrant enchantment!

Rare Herb Substitutions


I recently wrote an article about herbal substitutions, and though it is helpful for the common plants, what about the rare ones?

Here is a chart for those substitutions. Follow them like so:


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Where to find some of these rare herbs:

Where to find some of these rare herbs:

Where to find some of these rare herbs:

Where to find some of these rare herbs:

Here is a great kit for the beginner herbal collector! Check it out by following the link.

Wicca or Hoodoo Herb Spell Kit – 30 Witchcraft Herbs + Magickal Herbs eBook

Enjoy and blessings ☆

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Herb Substitutions


As many herbal witches may know, our special recipes, whether passed down, or handcrafted, can require certain types of herbs. Many of these herbs are common kitchen ingredients, but there are some that do need special plants for the occasion.

However, there is always the issue that we may just never encounter such an herb, because of location, price, time of year. So, what do we do in such a situation? We substitute!

Below you will find a two part list of common herbs that have other herbs to use if you don’t have the necessary ingredient.


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Here is where you may find these herb ingredients. Follow their links for guidance:

Here is where you may find these herb ingredients. Follow their links for guidance:

Just in case you’re uncertain, the first herb is the main ingredient. If you do not have it, follow the “>” symbol to the next herb. That is the herb to substitute with.

“M/” means to mix with.

“W/” means with.

Soon, I will write the list for rare herb substitutes. Be on the look out!

Great Blessings and Knowledge!

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New Spring, New Kind of Lemonade!

As promised, I posted not to long ago a recipe that I experimented with. It was the first night of the Spring season, and I felt inspired for something refreshing, and relaxing.

My husband has had a good stash of cannabis in the pile, and I thought it was a good time to medicinally use some of it. That, and I had a good amount of lemons that needed to go.

What are the magickal properties to this wonderful recipe, you might be wondering? Well, my full intention was a good positive purifying recipe, from the lemons. For the cannabis, I used it to bring a deep calming spiritual balance. And of course, the sugar to sweeten and bless.

So, at about one in the morning, I went at it! (I knoooooow, late night owl over here lol).

Here are the ingredients:

  • 1 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 6 cups Water
  • 1 1/2 cup lemon juice (about 6-8 lemons)
  • 1 tbsp Cannabis (or how ever much you prefer. 1 tbsp is pretty mellow per one cup.)


  1. In a saucepan, combine sugar, cannabis, and 1 1/2 cup of water. Cook over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. 4-5 minutes. Then turn down the heat and let it simmer for 22 minutes.
  2. In the meantime, begin juicing your lemons until you are at 1 1/2 cup of liquid. I like to use a cheesecloth to strain out the pulp. If you’re a pulp person, then never mind this step.
  3. Now, remove the cannabis syrup from the heat, strain, and pour into your pitcher. Stir in lemon juice. Let the syrup cool. Then, add the rest of the water and stir until well combined.
  4. Store in the refrigerator, and enjoy over ice.

*Note* So, for a 1 tbsp of cannabis per one pitcher, I found it to be very relaxing and soothing. It took 3 cups for me to actually feel any other effects, and really, that only helped me sleep deeper. So, if your one that prefers a mellow blend, then this recipe should do. For one that wishes for a stronger effect, add 1 or more tbsp to your sugar water mix.

*Note Note* If you are on a certain diabetic or keto restricted diet, then you can do what I actually did for this recipe. Substitute the cane sugar for your own sugar substitute. In this case, I used monk’s fruit sugar. Same measurement. Yum!

Step 1.

Step 2.


I hope you enjoy this blend responsibly, and legally! Have fun!

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Cannabis Lemonade Is Our Way to Mellow Yellow!

Aura Repair

Let us rejoice towards the waning of the moon!

Beginning today, the last quarter moon is shedding its energy. Turning away from the active energies of the past, to rest and regenerate to begin again. Just as the Moon restores, so shall we. It is time to renew for a new beginning, rest, and then glow again with fresh power. To a turn of a new tide.

What I love to do most during this moon time, is to go to the spa to cleanse and relax. Not only does it feel good for the body, but for the soul. Every room feels like cozy warm blankets. The air carries a zen ambiance that calls to your senses. Seemingly endless pools of liquid heat and rejuvenating jet streams, soothing the muscles and heart. Every chakra point being called to open. Soothing sea salts fill every corner of the steam rooms. And amazingly pink Himalayan salt rooms covering every inch of the room. Resting in one of these rooms not only renews the aura, it centers a psychic’s abilities like chocolate syrup on top of ice cream! You feel so soothed by the end of the spa visit, and vibrant by your fresh energy, you can’t help but end the day with a good cup of tea, and then a peaceful nap. The next day is like seeing a sparkling new world. And your magick can touch and feel all the wonders of the Earth.

I highly recommend the experience! Search for your closest Korean spa, and go! Now! I recommend searching on Groupon. GROUPON has the best deals for Korean spas, and can help find the closest one to your location. So definitely, check it out. Because nothing is more delicious, than living deliciously. Ha!


And that tea I mentioned earlier after such an amazing experience at the spa? Well, gladly sip on this tasty treat. This mix blend is a favorite of mine. I drink on this after my spa day. It keeps my spirits up, long after the moon is dark. Blend and enjoy with top quality organic ingredients only. That’s really the only best kind. And please be considerate of your health. Do not take if pregnant or nursing. Nor daily.


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Aura Repair Tea

2 cup recipe. Once water is boiled, pour and brew for 5 – 10 minutes. Sweeten with either regular sugar, or I add coconut sugar. Sweetens just the same, although coconut sugar is much more keto friendly, plus it adds protective properties.

For this tea spell; after the herbs are finished brewing, bring the cup into your hands and hover your face over its steam. Inhale deeply, absorbing through the skin, and into the flow of your energy. There is no need for any words or chant. Only to instill within you the calming flow of the tea’s energy. Hold onto this moment for as long as you feel comfortable, then humbly, take a sip. Feel its essence become a part of you. Feel how your energy responds to it. Accept it wholeheartedly. Then rest with it.

I hope you enjoy this tea, and the idea of going to a spa! Give yourself that spa day you surely deserve and need! The results are amazing.

Many blessings, to you all!

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Spa Day Every Month!