Aura Repair

Let us rejoice towards the waning of the moon!

Beginning today, the last quarter moon is shedding its energy. Turning away from the active energies of the past, to rest and regenerate to begin again. Just as the Moon restores, so shall we. It is time to renew for a new beginning, rest, and then glow again with fresh power. To a turn of a new tide.

What I love to do most during this moon time, is to go to the spa to cleanse and relax. Not only does it feel good for the body, but for the soul. Every room feels like cozy warm blankets. The air carries a zen ambiance that calls to your senses. Seemingly endless pools of liquid heat and rejuvenating jet streams, soothing the muscles and heart. Every chakra point being called to open. Soothing sea salts fill every corner of the steam rooms. And amazingly pink Himalayan salt rooms covering every inch of the room. Resting in one of these rooms not only renews the aura, it centers a psychic’s abilities like chocolate syrup on top of ice cream! You feel so soothed by the end of the spa visit, and vibrant by your fresh energy, you can’t help but end the day with a good cup of tea, and then a peaceful nap. The next day is like seeing a sparkling new world. And your magick can touch and feel all the wonders of the Earth.

I highly recommend the experience! Search for your closest Korean spa, and go! Now! I recommend searching on Groupon. GROUPON has the best deals for Korean spas, and can help find the closest one to your location. So definitely, check it out. Because nothing is more delicious, than living deliciously. Ha!


And that tea I mentioned earlier after such an amazing experience at the spa? Well, gladly sip on this tasty treat. This mix blend is a favorite of mine. I drink on this after my spa day. It keeps my spirits up, long after the moon is dark. Blend and enjoy with top quality organic ingredients only. That’s really the only best kind. And please be considerate of your health. Do not take if pregnant or nursing. Nor daily.


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Aura Repair Tea

2 cup recipe. Once water is boiled, pour and brew for 5 – 10 minutes. Sweeten with either regular sugar, or I add coconut sugar. Sweetens just the same, although coconut sugar is much more keto friendly, plus it adds protective properties.

For this tea spell; after the herbs are finished brewing, bring the cup into your hands and hover your face over its steam. Inhale deeply, absorbing through the skin, and into the flow of your energy. There is no need for any words or chant. Only to instill within you the calming flow of the tea’s energy. Hold onto this moment for as long as you feel comfortable, then humbly, take a sip. Feel its essence become a part of you. Feel how your energy responds to it. Accept it wholeheartedly. Then rest with it.

I hope you enjoy this tea, and the idea of going to a spa! Give yourself that spa day you surely deserve and need! The results are amazing.

Many blessings, to you all!

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