Harnessing Celestial Energy: The Orionids Tea Ritual for Spiritual Awakening

There is a mysterious and awe-inspiring connection between the celestial bodies and our spiritual journeys. The cosmos hold a wealth of energy and wisdom that can be harnessed to deepen our spiritual practices and awaken our inner selves. One such celestial event that holds great significance is the Orionids meteor shower. As the Earth passes through the debris left behind by Halley’s Comet, we are gifted with a breathtaking display of shooting stars. In this blog post, we will explore the powerful Orionids tea ritual, a sacred practice that combines the healing properties of herbal tea with the energy of the meteor shower to facilitate spiritual awakening. Prepare to embark on a celestial journey of self-discovery and transformation as we delve into the art of harnessing celestial energy through this enchanting ritual.

1. Understanding the significance of the Orionids meteor shower:

The Orionids meteor shower is a celestial event that occurs annually in late October, usually peaking around the 20th or 21st of the month. This meteor shower is associated with the debris left behind by Halley’s Comet as it journeys through our solar system. Named after the constellation Orion, from which the meteors appear to originate, the Orionids shower is known for its spectacular display of shooting stars. Understanding the significance of the Orionids meteor shower can add a deeper layer of meaning to your spiritual practices.

In astrology and spiritual beliefs, the stars and celestial bodies hold immense power and energy. The Orionids meteor shower is believed to carry a potent energy that can be harnessed for spiritual awakening and transformation. As the meteors streak across the night sky, they bring with them a sense of wonder and awe. This cosmic display serves as a reminder of the vastness of the universe and our interconnectedness with it.

The Orionids meteor shower is often seen as a symbol of renewal and rebirth, as the shooting stars represent the shedding of old patterns and the emergence of new possibilities. During the peak of the Orionids meteor shower, you can take the opportunity to connect with this celestial energy and harness it for your spiritual awakening. Meditating under the starry night sky, you can open yourself to the cosmic vibrations and allow them to guide you towards inner growth and enlightenment. Observing the shooting stars can serve as a catalyst for setting intentions, releasing what no longer serves you, and inviting positive transformation into your life. By understanding the significance of the Orionids meteor shower, you can align your spiritual practices with the celestial energies at play. Embrace the magic of this cosmic event and let it inspire you on your spiritual journey towards awakening and self-discovery.

2. Gathering the ingredients for the tea ritual:

Gathering the ingredients for the tea ritual is an exciting and meaningful part of the process. As you embark on this celestial journey, it’s important to choose ingredients that align with the intention of spiritual awakening and connection to the cosmos.

To begin, you will need a selection of herbs and flowers that resonate with the energy of the Orionids meteor shower. Look for ingredients such as chamomile, lavender, rose petals, and jasmine, as these have calming and soothing properties that can help facilitate a deeper spiritual experience. Additionally, consider incorporating herbs known for their mystical properties, such as mugwort and vervain. These herbs are believed to enhance intuition, dream work, and astral projection, making them perfect additions to your tea ritual.

Next, you’ll want to gather some loose-leaf tea, preferably a blend that promotes relaxation and contemplation. Green tea or a calming herbal infusion like lemon balm or passionflower can complement the celestial energies you are seeking to harness. Don’t forget to source your ingredients with intention and mindfulness. Consider visiting local herbal shops or even growing and harvesting some of the herbs and flowers yourself, adding a personal touch to your ritual. Remember, the process of gathering the ingredients is an opportunity to connect with nature and infuse your ritual with your own energy and intention.

Lastly, gather any additional tools you may wish to incorporate into your tea ritual. This could include a special tea infuser, a beautiful teapot or cup, or even crystals that resonate with the energy of the stars, such as moonstone or amethyst. These additional elements can enhance the visual and energetic experience of your ritual. By carefully selecting and gathering the ingredients for your tea ritual, you are setting the stage for a powerful and transformative experience. Embrace the process with an open heart and a sense of reverence, allowing the celestial energy to guide and awaken your spirit.

3. Performing the Orionids tea ritual step by step:

Performing the Orionids tea ritual can be a powerful and transformative experience for those seeking spiritual awakening. This ritual is specifically designed to harness the celestial energy of the Orionids meteor shower, known for its association with heightened intuition and cosmic connection.

To perform this ritual, follow these steps:

Step 1: Preparation

Gather the necessary ingredients for your tea ritual. You will need loose leaf tea of your choice (preferably one with calming or introspective properties), a teapot or infuser, a cup or mug, a journal or notebook, and a comfortable and quiet space where you can sit undisturbed.

Step 2: Setting the Atmosphere

Create a serene and sacred atmosphere for your ritual by dimming the lights and lighting candles or incense. You may also choose to play soft instrumental music or nature sounds to enhance the ambiance and aid in relaxation.

Step 3: Intentions and Invocation

Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Set your intentions for the ritual, whether it be self-reflection, seeking guidance, or connecting with the celestial energies. Call upon the energy of the Orionids meteor shower by reciting an invocation or prayer, expressing your desire to receive its transformative energy.

Step 4: Brewing the Tea

Boil water and pour it into your teapot or infuser, adding the desired amount of loose leaf tea. As you do this, visualize the celestial energy infusing the water and the tea leaves, charging the brew with its powerful essence. Allow the tea to steep according to the instructions for your chosen tea.

Step 5: Tea Meditation

Once the tea has steeped, carefully pour it into your cup or mug. Hold the cup in your hands, feeling its warmth and the energy it carries. Take a moment to observe the steam rising from the cup, visualizing it as a conduit for the celestial energies. As you sip the tea, focus on its taste, aroma, and the sensations it brings to your body and mind. Let yourself be fully present in the moment, allowing the tea to nourish and awaken your spirit.

Step 6: Reflection and Journaling

After finishing the tea, take out your journal or notebook and write down any insights, feelings, or messages that came to you during the ritual. Reflect on your experience and how it has affected your spiritual awakening. This is a time for introspection and self-discovery, so let your thoughts flow freely onto the pages.

Step 7: Closing the Ritual

Express gratitude for the celestial energies and the experiences you have had during the ritual. Offer closing prayers or affirmations, acknowledging the transformative power of the Orionids tea ritual. Take a moment to ground yourself, feeling your connection with the earth and the universe around you.

By following these steps, you can fully immerse yourself in the Orionids tea ritual and open yourself up to spiritual awakening and deeper cosmic connections. Remember, the key to this ritual is intention and an open heart. Embrace the celestial energy and allow it to guide you on your spiritual journey.

4. Reflecting on the experience and integrating the spiritual awakening

After participating in the Orionids Tea Ritual, you may find yourself feeling a deep sense of spiritual awakening and connection to the celestial energy. It is important to take the time to reflect on your experience and integrate this newfound awareness into your daily life. As you sit in quiet contemplation, think about the messages and insights you received during the ritual. Were there any symbols or images that stood out to you? How did the energy of the stars and the tea ceremony impact your state of mind and being? Take a moment to journal about your reflections, allowing your thoughts and emotions to flow freely onto the page. This will help you gain further clarity and understanding of your spiritual journey.

Next, consider how you can bring this awakening into your everyday life. Are there certain practices or habits that you can incorporate to maintain a connection to the celestial energy? Perhaps it is setting aside time each day for meditation or engaging in activities that spark your creativity and intuition. Additionally, think about ways you can share this spiritual awakening with others. Is there a community or group that would benefit from your experiences and insights? By sharing your wisdom and knowledge, you can inspire and support others on their own spiritual journeys.

Remember, the spiritual awakening brought about by the Orionids Tea Ritual is not meant to be a one-time experience. It is a continuous journey of growth and self-discovery. By consciously integrating the lessons and energy received during the ritual, you can continue to expand your consciousness and deepen your connection to the celestial realms.

Celebrating The Winter Solstice

We all celebrate the coming of the winter season in one form or another. Through different cultures, in many religions, traditions are upheld to bring cheer and joy into our hearts and homes. I find this definitely true in my household. We celebrate the season through natural traditions. I consider it as mixing both magick and paganism, as well as a sprinkle of my own way of honoring the coming winter.

Below, I will share a detailed list of the 12 activities that I do in my home. Hopefully this will help inspire anyone to create their own traditions, the way their hearts see fit.


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Day One

«First Day Towards the Winter Solstice»

Candle Light Ritual

Begins with turning off all lights in the home. Lighting one candle, walk through the house, beginning at the front door. Chant:

Within the dark, the candle shall light the way.
For though winter is cold, it shall not reign.
Within the dark, our hope shall not die.
For soon the Sun will rise in the sky.
Within the dark, there is no despair.
For our shining souls will renew and repair.
So sing songs into the Winter night,
For soon the winds shall bring Spring light.

This is a beautiful ceremony, that blesses the long cold dark nights to come. You will notice a significant difference within the home once it’s been cast. Filled with warmth and hope. Either do this alone or with the family. It’s a nice way to do something together, and you can let the little ones hum lovely harmonies in the background. Or carry their own candles. Have fun with this!

Day Two

Holiday Decorations

As in all traditions, especially in America, neighborhoods everywhere are decorating their homes with merry lights and jingling wreaths. Solstice trees are being put up, covered in bright and glittering ornaments. Burning logs and long boughs of pine or holly are being placed over hearths. And for this household, that is exactly what is occurring as well.

Not only is it a tradition for most families, the glowing lights of winter symbolize hope that lives on in the darkest of nights. It is a manifestation of miracles, of positive magick, and of strength that lives within us even when the cold spirit of winter tries to steep into our bones.

So take the time, and decorate your home with holiday lights and decor. It’s fun to do alone, with holiday music blaring, and a glass of wine. Or get the friends or family together to make memorable moments, with hot chocolate and sugar cookies!

Day Three

Make A Wish Ornament

Exactly how it sounds, this is a powerful time to work wishing spells. How so? As the holidays are getting closer, people everywhere are growing excited to reunite with family, to give and receive gifts, or to begin a new year. Energy is rising, and the air is being charged for magick. That is why this is a perfect time to create wishing ornaments.

This enjoyable DIY craft is easy to do, and about anyone can do this. You can find any of the supplies at a Hobby Lobby, Walmart, Target, even the 99 store. You’ll need:

Choose your wish carefully, and write it down on the strip of paper. Decide on the proper glitter color that coordinates with your wish. Green for luck/money. Red for love/passion. Blue for health/peace. Yellow for creativity/success. Purple for power/spiritual assistance. Silver for earthly affairs. Gold for new beginnings. White for personal affairs. Mix of colors for a miracle.

Match your string color with your glitter color or mix match, depending on the wish. Roll up the strip of paper with your wish on it, tie it with string, then slide it into the ornament. Sprinkle however much of glitter over it, then place the top back on.

Hang this on your tree, or wherever you’ll like. There are some that hang it outdoors, over their hearth, or in nature. I like to keep mine. Every year, when I redecorate, I like to look upon my old wishes and see how they had came to be. It’s a great memento, and leaves me feeling thankful.

So wish wisely, and may your dreams come to be.

Day Four

Make a 12 Herb Sachet

This is a brilliant gift to give to friends or family. Having one for yourself is especially potent as well. Consider this recipe a magickal potpourri. A gift that promotes health, love, and protection. You’ll need:

Tie in a green or red cloth. Decorate it with symbols or jewels. Have fun with it. And give it to friends or family. You can substitute any of the ingredients with oils as well.

Day Five

Make a Yule Log

A popular pagan tradition is the Yule log. In essence, it is bringing in the spirit of nature, honoring them into your home to protect and nurture your own. I’ve seen many beautifully decorated Yule logs. They have been painted, glittered, wood carved, wood burned, wreathed, placed candles upon. There are so many different ways. Get creative in your own way of honoring the spirit of nature.

By the time of Yule, you either have the option to burn the whole log in ritual, or to light the candles.

Day Six

Create a Winter Spiral

This may be a different sort of tradition for most, but I found in the past few years, that this has become an enlightening experience at every new season for me. Otherwise known as a meditation labyrinth, these are walked upon to center one’s spirit and used to meditate on our paths of self realization.

There are some new age centers, universal spiritual churches that do have these meditation labyrinths, but if you don’t have any near by then I highly recommend building one yourself. Doesn’t have to be permanent, but it is a great path to have when you are in need for some deep meditation.

The path is simple. The rest of the journey is up to you. At the entrance, take a pause to breathe deeply for a few moments to clear your mind. Begin the first step, with not a question on where your going, but with whom you will find at the end? Then simply walk the spiral with a clear mind, and see what comes. If a thought or emotion emerges, mull over that and find its center meaning as you reach the center yourself. Take your time, nothing may come right away, and that is alright. The spiral is a place of peace and balance.

Walk back from the center in tranquility, all the while breathing deeply. When you are done, go in peace.

Day Seven

Honor The Spirits

Everyone deserves a good merry cheer for the holidays, and that includes the spirits of the dear departed as well. The cold dark nights often leave us feeling nostalgic and alone. Remembering those that have left us. This is why I decided to dedicate a special day just for our loved ones. I begin by setting up a special altar for them. Pictures, personal items, winter flowers, candles, incense, letters written for them, can all be placed on this altar.

The rest is up to you. Either a special ritual, or prayer is how you feel is right, then by all means. No matter what, they will hear you.

Day Eight

Warm Tea and Tarot

Every new season I like to do a fresh tarot reading to prepare and grow ever wiser of what is to come for the new season. What better way than to pair this together with a delicious warm cup of tea. Inspired by the winter season, I blended together a tea recipe that helps balance and induce mental and psychic powers. Grants wisdom and courage to face the unknown.

Together, with a deck of tarot cards makes for the best pairing. Be brave and lay out your tarot spread. And see what the future, or the present, may reveal.

Day Nine

Random Acts of Kindness

The title for this day alone explains it all. Though the winter season shouldn’t be the only excuse to be kind to strangers, it is a season for giving and to spread cheer. Whether to do acts of kindness in secret, or known, the moment we should all be looking for is the smile that brightens the day for a stranger. The fun part is thinking of way to surprise someone, because that’s really what it’s all about.

Help the need. Donate. Volunteer for charity. Pay for someone’s tab. Be kind is the saying. Speak it. Mean it. Do it. Be the example.

Day Ten

Bake Magickal Recipes

The days are ticking down, and now is the time to start prepping for the festivities. Everyone will be expecting those sweet delectable desserts. The sort that fills the belly with warmth and happiness. In every soft pastry there is a magick from people all over the world. As most have heard the saying, we put love in the foods we cook. The same goes for baking during the holidays. Although for some, they know all about the magickal meaning in the ingredients they mix together.

Whether it be cookies, pies, breads, or puddings, look up the magickal properties that each ingredient holds. You never know that you may be baking a pie for love. Or cookies for luck. Or a fruit salad for health. Know what you baking, so you can spread the magick into the lives you love.

Day Eleven

Give Gifts and Feast

Now is the eve of the Winter Solstice, and often times friends and family gather to enjoy a meal and give gifts! Then again, its up to everyone to decide when they would like to do this. Some choose to do this on Solstice day. So all could enjoy the symbolic fires of the yule log at sunset, and the rebirth of the Sun. So whichever you choose, this is still a wonderful time to gather together and be merry with one another.

Just as you would for Christmas, Hanukkah, etc, a beautiful feast is made for all to eat. Games are played. Carols are sung. New hope is wished upon. And gifts are exchanged. The thought alone brings me joy, and I look forward to this day with friends and family.

In fact, I would love to share a new type of carol song that has been modified for pagans. Growing up, I always enjoyed the tune for Silent Night. But when this new song A Pagan Silent Night was created, my heart fell in love. Now I always sing this song for the Solstice. May you and your family enjoy it as well.

Day Twelve

Burn The Yule Log and Celebrate

The day has come! All must celebrate. The new season is awakened, and the Sun shall be reborn when the new sunrise touches the sky! On this day, my husband and I like to begin with a beautiful breakfast, where then I can dedicate it to the sleeping Goddess, and to the new birth of the Sun. I gather together incense and candles. The blend I use is:

Grind together and burn over charcoal, light the candles and say together.

“We give honor and thanks to the sun for it’s sustenance, warmth, and light”

*Novae diluculo saluto* (say together)

And as our blessed mother earth is rebirth in the spring

So time is rebirth in the morning.

*Novae diluculo saluto*

*Blessed be the Goddess*

Enjoy the blessed morning meal.

Now once the day passes, and we are met with the longest night of the year, it is time to burn the yule log. Some simply light candles on the log, which is convenient for those that cannot enjoy a bonfire. But for those that can burn outdoors, it is quite an event. Tradition calls for waiting just before the sun rises. But often that isn’t the case for some that cannot stay up that long. So burn at your own time.

It is tradition in my home to usher in the new winter season. Therefore, I will share my personal ritual right below.

Ushering in the Winter

To prepare the Yule Log in the pit, set it up like you would for ritual. Stones, jewels, foods, offerings. Then chant:

The Goddess sleeps and is tucked away in the warmth of Earth.

She dreams and smiles of hope for the living.

Her heart is comforted by the rebirth of the Sun. Her spirit lives within the dormant seeds.

Today, She slumbers for Winter. Warmed by the fires of Yule.

Igniting the Flame

Flames of Winter warm Her bed. Snowfall be Her tears of joy. Mother Goddess, rest and claim the season! Let us be as one and embrace the spirit of peace.

Our mother is the Winter.

*We live because She lives*

Our mother is the Goddess.

*She lives freely within us*

Diana, Brigid, Hecate

*We celebrate Her*

We celebrate the tranquility of Mother Earth. She nourishes us with her bountiful love.

*Blessed be the Goddess*

Ashes of Log

We are now at the center of darkness. May the flame of the Sun illuminate from our hearts.

Collect the ashes and keep near, or use for power spells. Or save the ashes for the Summer Solstice.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this full detailed account of the traditions of my home. Are they similar to your own? Feel free to comment and share your story! Would love to hear it.

Sweet Winter Blessings!

Have a happy and festive Solstice!

Blessed Be

*Pictures sourced from Pinterest*

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We Celebrate The Winter Solstice!

Psychic Eye Tea

Happy first of October!

As we step into a new month and steeping sweetly a new season, Autumn covers the veil with mystery and magick. Hence, during this time, we prepare our senses for new wonder and messages from the beyond. This is especially true for the psychics, mediums, fortune tellers, witches, craftwielders, etc. Most could say that the month of October inspires great energy, and tingles the senses. Taking into account the energy that is produced by the Draconids Meteor shower on October 8th, the great Blood Moon on October 24th, and the ever legendary Samhain night, on October 31st.

For such an inspiring month, let’s get started on stimulating our psychic senses and be prepared for what messages or signs our spirit guardians send to us. I give to you a tea recipe that I enjoy drinking on the first day of October. May it empower your own psychic powers, and center your third eye.

*fair warning. Be sure to be ready to open your psychic sensitivity after drinking this tea.


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Psychic Eye Tea

Brew tea with boiled water, and let steep for 6 – 12 minutes. Add honey. Or milk. Or both. As you stir the tea clockwise, focus your gaze to the very bottom of the cup, to where it is darkest. Dive your focus to that center, as the liquid spins. Clear all thoughts. Then chant to yourself:

My eyes are open, the mind is clear.

I see the truth, with no fear.

My senses are open, the channel is clear.

I will receive, what no one else will hear.

Then sip the tea. Take your time. Enjoy it, relax into it. As though you are going into a trance meditation. Indeed, feel around with your senses. Touch your third eye, both physically and mentally. Note to yourself if you feel any sensitivity, pulsing vibration, or weightlessness. If you do feel any of these signs, then you are on the right track, and get ready.

You may repeat this brew once a week throughout the month. However, keep in mind to not proceed if you begin to feel too sensitive. Also, please be considerate, and do not drink this tea if you are pregnant or nursing, or not in top physical health. Thank you.

Well, enjoy! And have fun with your new found psychic awareness. Help others with your gift, but above all, grow yourself and be proud for who you are.

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Psychics Need Tea Too

Festival of Hecate

August 24th,

Marks the Festival of Hecate. Day and Night of the Dark Mother. Of Earth and Sky. Keeper of the crossroads. Seer of the unknown. Queen of the witches. She speaks, and all remains silent for Her. For those that are guided by Her wisdom, honor Her on this day, her ascension from the underworld, with offerings of Earth, Heart, and Soul.

Interestingly enough, the days for this festival can be concluded by who traditionally worships Hecate. Most who honor Hecate, begin to honor her on August 13th. Which aligns with the dark moon, and the perseids meteor shower. This time symbolizes her descent into the underworld and the harvests of the earth.

Fun fact, August 13th was also worshipped for the festival of Diana. Where her followers celebrated her in the groves at Nemi. This festival lasted for up to a week of festivities, food, and dance.

Now, back to Hecate.

Both of these festivals were and are very similar. Especially considering that both Diana and Hecate are triple goddesses, some associate them as one deity. Like I do. Diana to me, is the maiden form, and Hecate is the crone form. Now, on this day, Hecate has had already descended into the underworld, and now begins to rise again to the heavens from her wise journey. And as the Full moon grows full, so will she claim herself as Queen again. With new knowledge and mysteries from the underworld. So, we invoke her and honor her, in hopes for her protection for the coming season, and for her new found wisdom.

How do we honor this Great and Ancient Goddess?

Personally, I honor each of her crossroads. I leave offerings of earth, sky, flame, and sea at each pathway, to open the doors for Her guidance. Her offerings include:

Eggs, Lavender, Honey, Garlic, Baked Goods

Incense, Candles, Daggers, Keys

Having your dog familiar by your side

These are just to name a few. But follow your heart of which offerings would be best for you to give.

I love to leave her lavender honey tea, and burn my special blend of incense for her.


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This is the blend I burn while invoking the Goddess Hecate. Add even portions of the ingredients shown, and/or add odd drops of the essential oils to the blend. Smells divine when burned, and uplifts the soul. While the smoke fills the air, call out to Hecate with your own heartfelt chant and await her guidance. If you decide to have your familiar close by, pay special attention to their reaction. Hecate always greets dogs, and reveals herself to them. Keep an eye out for signs, or listen soundly. Often, she comes in dreams in the dead of the night, and reveals her messages then.

Essential Oils

I hope this night brings special moments for you, and Hecate grants you her wise guidance.

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Scorpio Spells

Great Full Moon Blessings!

And welcome!

Tonight is the great Scorpion Moon. An enchanting night filled with mystery and magick. One may feel a lot more susceptible to emotional imbalances and energy draining. This is because the great full moon in Scorpios chamber influences you to ooze your energy and power. On the other hand, this aligning can also make you feel the opposite. You could be feeling extra powerful, and filled with self reflection and love. 

Here are the types of spells and magick to consider doing on this full moon.

  • Rebirth
  • Transformation
  • Credit and Mortgages
  • Recovering lost things or relationships. 
  • Sex magicks, elixirs and rituals related to emotions and relationships. 
  • Couples magick
  • Self hypnosis sessions, or self love work. 
  • Divination sessions to uncover secrets. 

Here are also a few personal spells to delight in. 

Here are a few other ideas for spells to do this Full Moon. Two water based spells to pay homage to the water element of Scorpio.


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The following magical bath enhances self-confidence and personal magnetism, and increases chances of success. Take the bath either just prior to an important event, an interview or the like, the night before. Remember to allow yourself to air dry and leave the herbs in the infusion for upmost power if at all possible.

  1. Place allspice berries, cinnamon sticks, cloves, whole nutmeg, and pieces of Sandalwood in a bowl.
  2. Cover with boiling water and let the herbs steep for awhile, at least an hour or longer.
  3. Afterwards, draw a bath for yourself.
  4. Stand in the tub and toss the now lukewarm infusion over your body.
  5. Soak and steep yourself in the bath.

And good luck! For it’s going to be powerful!



This powder is intended to soften an angry friend’s heart or an ex-lover. It helps prevent them from becoming an enemy. Grind and powder the following ingredients together:

Sprinkle the powder on your friend’s shoulder, if possible. If not, then close to their surroundings. If this is even not possible, one can use a human figure candle and surround the base with this powder as the candle is lit. 



This Botanical bath is to cleanse the aura, as well as balance yin and yang Energies.

  1. Add a cup of pure sea salt to a dish.
  2. Add two drops, each of essential oils of Frankincense, Myrrh, Patchouli, and Vetiver.
  3. With your fingers, blend this into the salt.
  4. Add this to a tub of running water.
  5. When the bath has filled, and the temperature is correct, adjust the fragrance. If you like, add a few more drops of any of the essential oils directly to the water. 

Stir well. I like to use a wooden spoon to make sure the water is well-blended.


Happy Full Moon Blessings to you all! 

Blessed Be ~*~

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The Lyrid Meteor Shower


Great Wild Spirits! And my Star Witches!

Keep a look out for the Lyrid Meteor Shower! A great time for magick, divination, and power! This happens between April 21st – April 22nd.

Magick especially to consider:

  • Trance work
  • Divination
  • Astral Travel
  • Underworld Connections
  • Spirit Communion
  • Love Magick
  • Inspirational Magick
  • Power

The Lyrid meteor shower offers 10 to 20 meteors per hour at its peak on a moonless night. The peak numbers are expected to fall on the morning of April 21 or 22. In 2017, the light of the waning crescent moon won’t too greatly interfere with this year’s Lyrid shower. In rare instances, Lyrid meteors can bombard the sky with up to nearly 100 meteors per hour. No Lyrid meteor storm is expected this year… but you never know.

The Lyrid meteor shower has the distinction of being among the oldest of known meteor showers. Records of this shower go back for some 2,700 years.

The Lyrid Meteor Shower shoots out from the Lyra Constellation. Lyra constellation lies in the northern sky. It represents the lyre, a musical instrument with strings used in antiquity and later times.

The constellation is associated with the myth of the Greek musician and poet Orpheus. It was first catalogued by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century.

Lyra contains Vega, the fifth brightest star in the sky and second brightest star in the northern hemisphere, and the famous variable star RR Lyrae. It is also home to several notable deep sky objects, including the globular cluster Messier 56, the planetary nebula Messier 57 (the Ring Nebula), the merging triplet of galaxies NGC 6745, and the open cluster NGC 6791.

The Summer Triangle is formed by the brightest stars in each of the constellations of Lyra, Cygnus and Aquila. 
The beautiful Ring Nebula can be found within the Lyra constellation, between the stars of Sulafet and Sheliak.

Different cultures interpreted Lyra differently. In Wales, the constellation is known as King Arthur’s Harp or King David’s Harp. The Persian poet Hafiz referred to it as the Lyre of Zurah. Vega is Lyra’s most notable star, so it’s not surprising that this constellation is also associated with eagles and vultures. The Incas called this constellation Urcuchillay, who is a multicolored llama deity who watched over animals. For Christians, this constellation has been called Praesepe Salvatoris, or the Manger of the Infant Savior.

Enjoy and many blessings!

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There’s Magick In The Stars