
When I do my New Year’s ritual I incorporate my own blend of incense and tea. I figured it would be helpful to share my recipe blend.


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New Year’s Incense

I used a tsp. of each and then gave it a good grind. I decided on these herbs because bay and frankincense represent the winter season; whereas jasmine and cinquefoil are dedicated to the spring. I saw these as a symbol of the Crone and Maiden transforming/blending together. Also to include that frankincense and bay are to purify, cleanse, and protect the spirit. Jasmine and cinquefoil are for love, luck, health, and to banish negative forces. For me, it is the perfect new year’s incense.

New Year’s Tea Blend

Again I used a tsp. of each. This blend is so helpful in the beginning of the year because of its magical properties. Combined together this tea summons health, luck, love, protection, wisdom, and unblocking ones path.

These blends have worked for me for years. And every new year seems to blossom and grow. After blending, be sure to bless these herbs.

It depends on the witch, but I love to bless and chant in Latin.

My blessing chant was:

Benedicat Herbam Anni

Well I hope this post is helpful to any who are interested.

Blessed be fellow witches. And once again, happy new year!

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*Please always be aware of your health and body. Always consult with your doctor about your health. Do not drink if pregnant or nursing. Thank you*

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New Year’s Tea & Incense!

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